It follows at once (Prop. 4) that, if AM, A'M' are great
circles drawn perpendicular to the bases BO, B'G' of two
spherical triangles ABO, A'B'O' in which B = B', 0 = O',
sin BM _ sin MO
sin B'M' ~ sin M'C
^since both are equal to
inn AM \
tan A'M')
III. 5 proves that, if there are two spherical triangles ABO,
A'B'O' right-angled at A, A' and such that 0=0', while h
and h' are less than 90°,
sin (a + h) _ sin (a' + h')
sin (a — h) sin (a! — h')
from which we may deduce 1 the formula
sin (a + h) 1 + cos 0
sin (a — h)~ 1 — cos 0
which is equivalent to tan h = tan a cos C.
(y) Anharmonic property of four great circles through-
one point.
But more important than the above result is the fact that
the proof assumes as known the anhar
monic property of four great circles
drawn from a point on a sphere in rela
tion to any great circle intersecting them
all, viz. that, if ABCD, A'B'O'D' be two
sin Al) sin BO sin A'D' sin B'G'
sin DO sin AB sin D'G' sin A'B'
1 Braunmiihl, op. cit, i, p. 18; Bjornbo, p. 96.