seeing that Diodorus wrote his Analemma in the next cen- of o
tury. The other alternative source for Hipparchus’s spherical nius
trigonometry is the Menelaus-theorem applied to the sphere, men
on which alone Ptolemy, as we have seen, relies in his of C
Syntaxis. In any case the Table of Chords or Sines was in attr
full use in Hipparchus’s works, for it is presupposed by either Hip
method. trea
The Planisphaerimn. c ird
With the Analemma of Ptolemy is associated another no ^
work of somewhat similar content, the Planisphaerium. J ec ^ ]
This again has only survived in a Latin translation from an (
Arabic version made by one Maslama b. Ahmad al-Majriti, of ^
Cordova (born probably at Madrid, died 1007/8); the transla- °^ 1€
tion is now found to be, not by Rudolph of Bruges, but by mm
‘Hermannus Secundus’, whose pupil Rudolph was; it was _G
first published at Basel in 1536, and again edited, witli com- vlve
mentary, by Commandinus (Venice, 1558). It lias been v
re-edited from the manuscripts by Heiberg in vol. ii. of his lnsc
text of Ptolemy. Tlie book is an explanation of the system ^79
of projection known as stereographic, by which points on the
heavenly sphere are represented on the plane of the equator
by projection from one point, a pole ; Ptolemy naturally takes
the south pole as centre of projection, as it is the northern P
hemisphere which he is concerned to represent on a plane. late<
Ptolemy is aware that the projections of all circles on the cent
sphere (great circles—other than those through the poles how
which project into straight lines—and small circles either wen
parallel or not parallel to the equator) are likewise circles, Ptol
It is curious, however, that he does not give any general cone
proof of the fact, but is content to prove it of particular The
circles, such as the ecliptic, the horizon, &c. This is remark- not
able, because it is easy to show that, if a cone be described inco
with the pole as vertex and passing through any circle on the clea:
sphere, i. e. a circular cone, in general oblique, with that circle at t]
as base, the section of the cone by the plane of the equator iron
satisfies the criterion found for the ‘ subcontrary sections ’ by min
Apollonius at the beginning of his Conics, and is therefore a x <
circle. The fact that the method of stereographic projection is Skih
so easily connected with the property of subcontrary sections nM