Full text: From Aristarchus to Diophantus (Volume 2)

or any angle), multiples, Defs, 119-21 ; proportion in magni 
tudes, what magnitudes can have a ratio to one another, 
magnitudes in the same ratio or magnitudes in proportion, 
definition of greater ratio, Defs. 122-5; transformation of 
ratios (componendo, separando, converts ndo, alternando, in- 
vertendo and ex aequali), Defs. 126-7 ; commensurable and 
incommensurable magnitudes and straight lines, Defs. 128, 
129. There follow two tables of measures, Defs. 130—2. 
The Definitions are very valuable from the point of view of 
the historian of mathematics, for they give the different alter 
native definitions of the fundamental conceptions; thus we 
find the Archimedean ‘ definition ’ of a straight line, other 
definitions which we know from Proclus to be due to Apol 
lonius, others from Posidonius, and so on. No doubt the 
collection may have been recast by some editor or editors 
after Heron’s time, but it seems, at least in substance, to go 
back to Heron or earlier still. So far as it contains original 
definitions of Posidonius, it cannot have been compiled earlier 
than the first century B. c.; but its content seems to belong in 
the main to the period before the Christian era. Heiberg 
adds to his edition of the Definitions extracts from Heron’s 
Geometry, postulates and axioms from Euclid, extracts from 
Geminus on the classification of mathematics, the principles 
of geometry, &c., extracts from Proclus or some early collec 
tion of scholia on Euclid, and extracts from Anatolius and 
Theon of Smyrna, which followed the actual definitions in the 
manuscripts. These various additions were apparently collected 
by some Byzantine editor, perhaps of the eleventh century. 
The Metrica, Geoinetrica, Stereometrica, Geodaesia, 
We now come to the mensuration of Heron. Of the 
different works under this head the Metrica is the most 
important from our point of view because it seems, more than 
any of the others, to have preserved its original form. It is 
also more fundamental in that it gives the theoretical basis of 
the formulae used, and is not a mere application of rules to 
particular examples. It is also more akin to theory in that it

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