Full text: From Aristarchus to Diophantus (Volume 2)

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Dossible to find in 
uestions or proofs 
1 There is at the 
same time a certain mystery veiling the way in which he 
arrived at his results. For it is clear that they were not 
discovered by the steps which lead up to them in the finished 
treatises. If the geometrical treatises stood alone, Archi 
medes might seem, as Wallis said, ‘as it were of set purpose 
to have covered up the traces of his investigation, as if he had 
grudged posterity the secret of his method of inquiry, while 
he wished to extort from them assent to his results And 
indeed (again in the words of Wallis) ‘ not only Archimedes 
but nearly all the ancients so hid from posterity their method 
of Analysis (though it is clear that they had one) that more 
modern mathematicians found it easier to invent a new 
Analysis than to seek out the old’. A partial exception is 
now furnished by The Method of Archimedes, so happily dis 
covered by Heiberg. In this book Archimedes tells us how 
he discovered certain theorems in quadrature and cubature, 
namely by the use of mechanics, weighing elements of a 
figure against elements of another simpler figure the mensura 
tion of which was already known. At the same time he is 
careful to insist on the difference between (1) the means 
which may be sufficient to suggest the truth of theorems, 
although not furnishing scientific proofs of them, and (2) the 
rigorous demonstrations of them by orthodox geometrical 
methods which must follow before they can be finally accepted 
as established: 
‘certain things’, he says, ‘first became clear to me by a 
mechanical method, although they had to be demonstrated by 
geometry afterwards because their investigation by the said 
method did not furnish an actual demonstration. But it is 
of course easier, when we have previously acquired, by the 
method, some knowledge of the questions, to supply the proof 
than it is to find it without any previous knowledge.’ ‘ This ’, 
he adds, ‘ is a reason why, in the case of the theorems that 
the volumes of a cone and a pyramid are one-third of the 
volumes of the cylinder and prism respectively having the 
same base and equal height, the proofs of which Eudoxus was 
the first to discover, no small share of the credit should be 
given to Democritus who was the first to state the fact, 
though without proof.’ 
Finally, he says that the very first theorem which he found 
out by means of mechanics was that of the separate treatise

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