Full text: From Aristarchus to Diophantus (Volume 2)

equation 2a: 2 >6a;+18 and says, £ To solve this, take the square 
of half the coefficient of x, i.e. 9, and the product of the unit- 
term and the coefficient of x 2 , i.e. 36. Adding, we have 45, 
the square root of which is not less than 7. Add half the 
coefficient of x [and divide by the coefficient of a: 2 ] ; whence x 
is not less than 5.’ In these cases it will be observed that 31 
and 7 are not accurate limits, but are the nearest integral 
limits which will serve his purpose. 
Diophantus always uses the positive sign with the radical, 
and there has been much discussion as to whether he knew 
that a quadratic equation has t%vo roots. The evidence of the 
text is inconclusive because his only object, in every case, is to 
get one solution; in some cases the other root would be 
negative, and would therefore naturally be ignored as ‘absurd’ 
or ‘ impossible ’. • In yet other cases where the second root is 
possible it can be shown to be useless from Diophantus’s point 
of view. For my part, I find it difficult or impossible to 
believe that Diophantus was unaware of the existence of two 
real roots in such cases. It is so obvious from the geometrical 
form of solution based on Fuel. II. 5, 6 and that contained in 
Fuel. VI. 27-9; the construction of VI. 28, too, corresponds 
in fact to the negative sign before the radical in the case of the 
particular equation there solved, while a quite obvious and 
slight variation of the construction would give the solution 
corresponding to the positive sign. 
The following particular cases of quadratics occurring in 
the Arithmetica may be quoted, with the results stated by 
a: 2 = 4 a: — 4; therefore x = 2. (IV. 22) 
325a; 2 = 3x + 18; x = Jfs or (IV. 31) 
84x 2 +7x = 7 ; x = (VI. 6) 
84a; 2 —7a; = 7; x = (VI. 7) 
630a; 2 -73a; = 6; x = . (VI. 9) 
630a: 2 +73a; = 6; a; is rational. (VI. 8) 
5x < a; 2 —60 < 8a;; x not <11 and not > 12. (V. 30) 
17a; 2 +17 < 72x< 19a: 2 + 19 ; x not >f-£ and not <f|. (V. 10) 
22a: < a: 2 + 60 < 24a:; x not <19 but <21. (V. 30)

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