Full text: From Aristarchus to Diophantus (Volume 2)

instance of Nicolas Rhabdas, presently to be mentioned) a 
treatise on magic squares ; he showed, that is, how the num 
bers 1, 2, 3 ... n 2 could be placed in the n 2 compartments of 
a square, divided like a chess-board into n 2 small squares, in such 
a way that the sum of the numbers in each horizontal and 
each vertical row of compartments, as well as in the rows 
forming the diagonals, is always the same, namely \u {n 2 + 1). 
Moschopoulos gives rules of procedure for the cases in which 
u = 2 m + 1 and n= 4 m respectively, and these only, in the 
treatise as we have it ; he promises to give the case where 
n = 4 m + 2 also, but does not seem to have done so, as the 
two manuscripts used by Tannery have after the first two cases 
the words réAoç tov avrov. The treatise was translated by 
De la Hire, 1 edited by S. Günther, 2 and finally edited in an 
improved text with translation by Tannery. 3 
The work of Moschopoulos was dedicated to Nicolas Arta- 
vasdus, called Rhabdas, a person of some importance in the 
history of Greek arithmetic. He edited, with some additions 
of his own, the Manual of Planudes; this edition exists in 
the Paris MS. 2428. But he is also the author of two letters 
which have been edited by Tannery in the Greek text with 
French translation. 4 The date of Rhabdas is roughly fixed 
by means of a calculation of the date of Easter ‘ in the current 
year ’ contained in one of the letters, which shows that its 
date was 1341. It is remarkable that each of the two letters 
has a preface which (except for the words rrjv drjXœcnu ruin' kv 
rois àpLÔ/xoîs ^qrqgdroiv and the name or title of the person 
to whom it is addressed) copies word for word the first thir 
teen lines of the preface to Diophantus’s Arithmetica, a piece 
of plagiarism which, if it does not say much for the literary 
resource of Rhabdas, may indicate that he had studied Dio- 
phantus. The first of the two letters has the heading ‘ A con 
cise and most clear exposition of the science of calculation 
written at Byzantium of Constantine, by Nicolas Artavasdus 
1 Mém. de VAcad. Royale des Sciences, 1705. 
2 Vermischte Untersuchungen zur Gesch. d. Math., Leipzig, 1876. 
3 ‘ Le traité de Manuel Moschopoulos sur les carrés magiques ’ in 
Annuaire de VAssociation pour Vencouragement des études grecques, xx, 
1886, pp. 88-118. 
4 ‘Notices sur les deux lettres arithmétiques de Nicolas Rhabdas’ in 
Notices et extraits des manuscrits de la Bibliothèque Nationale, xxxii, pt. 1, 
1886, pp. 121-252.

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