Full text: From Aristarchus to Diophantus (Volume 2)

of locus 
ated 107. 
, Deter- 
mitation ; 
uent part 
dem 870, 
ditions of 
808, 319- 
? 8, ii. 45- 
ion (Dio- 
pvpids — 
0 : SittXî) 
le side of 
a 203-4: 
it 209 n., 
ii. 457-8: 
187, 308: 
ith power 
power in 
square == 
ii. 458: 
own (Dio 
s', = fifth 
TTOV, &C., 
in square ’ 
f a square 
; bvvapevg 
conic in 
jlar power 
of unknown, or term, in an equa 
tion (Diophantus) ii. 4&0. 
els, pin, ev, one : eva nXelw, ‘ several 
ones 1 (definition of ‘ number ’) 
flarjyeiadm, to introduce or explain 
eKdeais, setting-out 370, ii. 533. 
'F.KTrfrdauaTn of Democritus 178, 
fKTTjfxopos (kvkXos) ii. 288. 
f XXeijns, falling-short (in application 
of areas), name given to ellipse by 
Apollonius 150, ii. 138. 
e’XXmgs, -es, defective (of numbers), 
contrasted with perfect 74, 101 : 
'i' eXXnres kiitto vevov ii. 459. 
evnXXd£, alternately (in proportions ) 
errata, notion: Koiva't tvvoiai, com 
mon notions = axioms 336. 
era-mens, objection 372, ii. 311, ii. 533. 
evrnais, bulging out 6. 
e’^eXtypos ii. 234. 
e^pyga-ts, elucidation ii. 223, ii. 
e^gKoardr, or TTpcdrov et;., a 60th ( = 
a minute), devrepor e£., a second, 
&c. 45. 
e'mii’dppa, (‘bloom ’) of Thy m arid as: 
a system of linear equations solved 
, 94 V 
enncfir], contact : ’Eiraepai, Contacts 
or Tangencies, by Apollonius ii. 
eni, On : to agpeinv e'(f)' ci> (or nv) K, 
archaic for ‘the point K' 199: 
f) e</>’ fj AD, ‘ the straight line 
e’jupepgs, superparti ens, 
= ratio 1 + , 102. 
nt + n 
empopms, superpaHicularis = ratio 
of form {n + \)/n, 90,101 : fVt- 
pdptov btdaTgpa 215. 
t'ameboperpiKa ii. 453. 
fmappacriaL, weather indications 
177 n., ii. 234. 
eTTiTpiros — ratio 4/3, 101 : enirpnos 
nvdpgv (Plato) 306-7. 
eaxiiTos : rd e av nr a, extremities 
erepnprjKrjc, -es, oblong ; of numbers 
of form m{m + 1), 82, 108. 
evdvypnppiKos (dpidpos) = prime 72. 
I ефекики?, a class of locus ii. 185, 
ii. 193. 
i<Ь6Ьtor, Method ii. 246. 
: Cvydv, lever or balance ; ттер\ £vyS>v, 
a work of Archimedes ii. 23-4, 
ii. 351. 
i'ipióXioí, -a, -or, ratio of 3/2, 101. 
ppuo^éXinr,^-obol, sign for, 31,49,50. 
вау ратоттойкт) 18. 
веоХоуоарега ссрсврдтисдд 97.. 
Beats, position : 7тара веста (SC. Seño» 
pírgv), parallel to a straight line 
given in position ii. 193: npos 
веста evBeicus, on straight lines 
given in position ii. 426. 
вvpec's, shield, old name for ellipse 
439, ii. Ill, ii. 125. 
tXXeadat: IXXopévgr used by Plato of 
the earth 314-15. 
cadets uros, equal an equal number 
of times, or equal multiplied by 
equal 204. 
Icrdperpos, -or, of equal contour: 
Trepl laoueTpeov ахпсхатшг, by Zeno- 
dorus ii. 207, ii. 390. 
IcTÓTrXevpos, -or, equilateral : of 
square number (Plato) 204. 
laopponia, equilibrium : xrepi laoppo- 
mior, work by Archimedes ii. ‘24, 
ii. 351. 
to or, equal: St’tcrov, ex aequali (in 
proportions) 386: St’ teroo ér те- 
rapaypéig dmXoyíg 386. 
IcrÚTps or tauxTis, equation ii. 468. 
ícTTopín, inquiry, Pythagoras’s name 
for geometry 166. 
tVyór, power (in mechanics) 445. 
картетрр, turning-point in race 
course 114. 
KapnvXos, -g, -ov, curved 249, 341. 
KcivoviKrj, Canonic, q. v. 
кпгшг, ruler 239: Table (astron.), 
IJpoyeipwv Kavóvtov buiTaats ка\ 
фдфофорш, work by Ptolemy ii. 
293: canon {in music), v. Кататчрд. 
катаурафаг; to inscribe in ОГ ОП (c. 
gen.) 131. 
KardXoyoi, work by Eratosthenes ii. 
катаетKevd^eiv 193 n. 
катпеткеуд, construction (constituent 
part of proposition) 370, ii. 533.

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