Full text: From Aristarchus to Diophantus (Volume 2)

KnTiuTTepicT/jLoi, work by Eratosthe 
nes ii. 108. 
Kararopr/ kupopos, Sectio canonis, 
attributed to Euclid 17, 444, 
Karovopnijis to»' dpiôpâp, naming of 
numbers (Archimedes) ii. 23. 
kcitoktpiKrj, theory of mirrors 18. 
K(vrpo[3apiK<i, problems on centre of 
gravity ii. 24, ii. 850. 
Kevrpov, centre : rj etc rov Ke'prpov — 
radius 881. 
Keparoeidr)s (ytorui) 178, 382. 
Krjpia of Sporus 234. 
«Kiuiv, inflect : KO<Xdcr6iH 337. 
Koyyoeiôi)f ypappi], conchoid 238. 
KOlXoyCùVlOV ii. 211. 
KÔXovpoç, -ov, truncated ii. 333; (of 
pyramidal number) 107. 
Koa-Kivov, sieve (of Eratosthenes) 16, 
100, ii. 105. 
KoyAoetôi)? ypnppg, cochloid 238. 
kv[36kvI3os, cube-cube, = sixth power 
of unknown (Diophantus) ii. 458. 
kvPokvPocttov, reciprocal of KvfBà- 
kvBos ii. 458. 
Ki jBos, cube : Kufiaip avÇtj (Plato) 
297 : cube of unknown (Dio 
phantus) ii. 458 : Kvfioç èÇfXiKTÔs 
= ninth power of unknown 
(Egyptian) ii. 546. 
kvkXiki) 6(iopia, De motu circulari, 
by Cleomedes ii. 235. 
kvkXikôs, -{], -ov, circular, used of 
square numbers ending in 5 or 6, 
Xeineiv: forms used to express minus, 
and sign for (Diophantus), ii. 459. 
Xei\j/Ls, wanting (Diophantus) : Xei\j/ei 
= minus ii. 459. 
XéÇis : Kara Xé£iv, word for word 
Xenrov, a fraction (Heron) 43 : = a 
minute (Ptolemy) 45. 
Xrjppn, lemma 373. 
Xnyicrpos, calculation 13. 
XoyiŒTLKTj, art of calculation, opp. 
to (IpldprjrLKr] 13-16, 53. 
Xoyoy, ratio : Xoyou dnoropr,, sectio 
rationis, by Apollonius ii. 175. 
padi’ipaTn, subjects of instruction 
10-11 : terra first appropriated 
to mathematics by Pythagoreans 
11 : nep't tô>v pnOrjpaToov, a work 
by Protagoras 179. 
pndppnTiKos, -rj, -up; pnOpunriKoi in 
Pythagorean school, opp. to 
aKovcrpariKoi 11 : Madp/tart/o) avv- 
rn£is of Ptolemy ii. 273-4 : pa6ry 
pariKa, rci (Plato) 288. 
p(OopLov, boundary ii. 449. 
pelovpop irpodTKnpifevpivov (Heron), 
curtailed and pared in front (cf. 
scanty), of a long, narrow, tri 
angular prism (Heib.) ii. 319. 
pepos: pip>], parts (= proper frac 
tion) dist. from pipos (aliquot 
part) 42 (cf. p. 294). 
pfanXajSop, mean-finder (of Erato 
sthenes) ii. 104, ii. 359. 
perecopns, -op : nep\ pereccpcov, work 
by Posidonius ii. 219, ii. 231-2. 
piTccopoaKomKi] 18, 
MfTp>)aas, Mensurae (Heronian) ii. 
P^Kos, length: used by Plato of side 
of square containing a square 
number of units of area 204. 
P’lXirr]s (dpidpos), term for problems 
about numbers of apples (e.g.) 14, 
ii. 442. 
Mucpoy darpopopoupepos (roVoy), Little 
Astronomy ii. 273. 
ppd, mina (= 1000 drachmae) : M 
stands for, 31. 
poipn, fraction : l/360th of circum 
ference or a degree 45, 61: 
TOTTLKi], XPOPIKT] (in Hypsicles) ii. 
popds, monad or unit 43 : definitions 
of, 69: povddcop (jva-Ti]pa = number, 
69: devTepwdovpepr] popds = 10, 
TpuoSovpli r] p. — 100, &c. (Iambi.) 
114: popds deinp ex<>vaa = point 
69, 283. 
popiop, part or fraction : pnpiov or 
ep popia = divided by (Diophan 
tus) 44. 
pvpuis (with or without TTponr] or 
dnXij) myriad (10,000), p. devrepa 
or 8nrXrj 10,000 2 , &c. 40. 
pncrrdp (solid?) 156, 178. 
veveip, to verge (towards) 196, 239, 
337, ii. 65." 
ptvoTLs, inclinatio or ‘verging’, a 
type of problem 235-41, 260, ii. 
199, ii. 385: veuaeis in Archi 
medes ii 65-8 : two books of 
p(ii(T(is by Apollonius ii. 189-92 
ii. 401, ii. 412-13.

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