Full text: From Aristarchus to Diophantus (Volume 2)

Cochloids 238-40 : 4 sister of coch- 
( loid’ 225, 281-2. 
Coins and weights, notation for, 31. 
Columella ii. 303. 
Commandinus, F., translator of 
Euclid, 365, 425, Apollonius ii. 
127, Analemma of Ptolemy ii. 
287, Planispherium ii.292, Heron’s 
Pneumatica ii. 308,Pappus ii. 360, 
Serenus ii. 519. 
Conchoid of Nicomedes 238-40. 
Conclusion 370, ii. 533. 
Cone: Democritus on, 179-80, ii. 
110: volume of, 176, 180, 217, 
327, 413, ii. 21, ii. 332: volume 
of frustum ii. 334: division of 
frustum in given ratio ii. 340-3. 
Conic sections: discovered by Me- 
naechmus 252-3, ii. 110-16 : Eu 
clid’s Conics and Aristaeus’s Solid 
Loci 438, ii. 116-19: propositions 
included in Euclid’s Conics ii. 
121-2 (focus-directrix property 
243-4, ii. 119-21), conics in Archi 
medes ii. 122-6 : names due to 
Apollonius 150, ii. 138: Apollo 
nius’s Conics ii. 126-75 : conies 
in Fragmentum Bobiense ii. 200- 
203 : in Anthemius ii. 541-3. 
Conon of Samos ii. 16, ii. 359. 
Construction 370, ii. 533. 
Conversion of ratio {convertendo) 386. 
Cook-Wilson, J. 300 n., ii. 370. 
Counter-earth 164. 
Croesus 4, 129. 
Ctesibius 213 : relation to Philon 
and Heron ii. 298-302. 
Cube : called ‘geometrical har 
mony ’ (Philolaus) 85-6. 
Cube, duplication of: history of 
problem 244-6: reduction by Hip 
pocrates to problem of two mean 
proportionals 2, 183, 200, 245: 
solutions, by Archytas 246-9, Eu 
doxus 249-51, Menaechmus 251- 
5, 4 Plato ’ 255-8, Eratosthenes 
258-60, Nicomedes 260-2, Apol 
lonius, Philon, Heron 262-4, Dio 
des 264-6, Sporus and Pappus 
266-8 : approximation by plane 
method 268-70. 
Cube root, extraction of, 63-4: 
Heron’s case ii. 341-2. 
Cubic equations, solved by conics, 
237-8, ii. 45-6, ii. 46 ; particular 
ease in Diophantus ii. 465, ii. 512. 
Curtze, M. 75 n., ii. 309. 
Cyrus 129. 
Dactylm, l/24th of ell, ii. 216. 
Damastes of Sigeum 177. 
Damianus ii. 294. 
Darius-vase 48-9. 
D’Armagnac, G. ii. 26. 
Dasypodius ii. 554 n. 
De la Hire ii. 550. 
De levi et ponderoso 445-6. 
Decagon inscribed in circle, side of, 
416 : area of, ii. 328. 
Dee, John, 369, 425. 
Definitions: Pythagorean 166: in 
Plato 289, 292-4 : Aristotle on, 
337 : in Euclid 373: Definitions 
of Heron, ii. 314-16. 
Demetrius of Alexandria ii. 260, ii. 
Democritus of Abdera 12, 119, 121, 
182 ; date 176, travels 177 : Aris 
totle’s encomium 176: list of 
works (1) astronomical 177, (2) 
mathematical 178 : on irrational 
lines and solids 156-7, 181 : on 
angle of contact 178-9 : on cir 
cular sections of cone 179-80, ii. 
110 : first discovered volume of 
cone and pyramid 176, 180, 217, 
ii. 21 : atoms mathematically di 
visible ad inf. 181 : ’Ektt(Tiiafumi 
178,181 : on perspective 174: on 
Great Year 177. 
Dercyllides ii. 244. 
Descartes 75 «., 279. 
Dicaearchus ii. 242. 
Dichotomy of Zeno 275, 278-80. 
Diels, H., 142»., 176, 178, 184, 188. 
Digamma: from Phoenician Vau 
32 : signs for, ib. 
Digit 27. 
Dinostratus 225, 229, 320-1, ii. 359. 
Diodes : inventor of cissoid 264-6: 
solution of Archimedes On Sph. 
and Cyl. II. 4, ii. 47-8: on burn 
ing-mirrors ii. 200-3. 
Diodorus (math.) : on parallel-pos 
tulate 358 ; Analemma of, ii. 287, 
ii. 359. 
Diodorus Siculus 121, 141, 142,176. 
Diogenes Laertius 144,145,177,291. 
Dionysius, Plato’s master, 22. 
Dionysius, a friend of Heron, ii. 306. 
Dionysodorus ii. 46, ii. 218-19, ii. 
Diophantus of Alexandria : date ii. 
448: wor 
55: Aritf 
ii. 455-61 
and powi 
ii. 459: i 
ii. 466-76 
449, 450, 
sitions in 
481-4: cc 
ii. 484-51 
bers 16, 84 
ii. 449. 
DioptralS, i 
ii. 345-6. 
Division : 
Greek 58- 
gesimal fr 
andria) 51 
Divisions {of 
425-30 : 
Heron ii. 
to Pytha/ 
65,141, 15 
rence 160 
(Euclid) 4 
of, ii. 335. 
Domninus ii 
Dositheus ii. 
Duhem, P. 4 
Dupuis, J. ii, 
Earth : me£ 
nius) ii. 22 
Ecliptic : ol 
of indinat 
lemy) ii. p 
Ecphantus 3: 
Edfu, Tempi 
Egypt : priei 
wrth Greec 
in. 120-2 : 
Egyptian in 
system 27- 
metry (me: 
angle (3, 4 
147; value (

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