Full text: From Aristarchus to Diophantus (Volume 2)

, side of, 
166: in 
itotle on, 
. 260, ii. 
119, 121, 
L77 : Aris- 
list of 
177, (2) 
181 : on 
; on cir- 
179-80, ii. 
volume of 
180, 217, 
latically di- 
174: on 
184, 188. 
;ian Van 
1, ii. 859. 
Did 264-6: 
On Sph. 
on burn- 
of, ii. 287, 
, 142,176. 
r, 22. 
ron, ii. 306. 
218-19, ii. 
a : date ii. 
448 : works and editions ii. 448- 
55: Arithmetica 15-16: fractions 
in, 42-4 : notation and definitions 
ii. 455-61 : signs for unknown (x) 
and powers ii. 456-9, for minus 
ii. 459: methods ii. 462-79 : de 
terminate equations ii. 462-5, 
484-90 : indeterminate anatysis 
ii. 466-76,491-514 : ‘ Porisms’ ii. 
449, 450, 451, ii. 479-80 : propo 
sitions in theory of numbers ii. 
481-4 : conspectus of Arithmetica 
ii. 484-514 : On Polygonal Num- 
hers 16, 84,ii.514-17: ‘Monastica’ 
ii. 449. 
DioptralS, ii. 256 : Heron’s Dioptra 
ii. 345-6. 
Division : Egyptian method 53, 
Greek 58-60 : example with sexa 
gesimal fractions (Theon of Alex 
andria) 59-60. 
Divisions {of Figures), On, by Euclid 
425-30 : similar problems in 
Heron ii. 336-40. 
Dodecagon, area of, ii. 328. 
Dodecahedron ; discovery attributed 
to Pythagoras or Pythagoreans 
65,141,158-60, 162 : early occur 
rence 160: inscribed in sphere 
(Euclid) 418-19, (Pappus) ii. 369 : 
Apollonius on, 419-20: volume 
of, ii. 335. 
Domninus ii. 538. 
Dositheus ii. 34. 
Duhem, P. 446. 
Dupuis, J. ii. 239. 
Earth : measurements of, ii. 82, 
(Eratosthenes) ii. 106-7, (Posido 
nius) ii. 220. 
Ecliptic : obliquity discovered by 
Oenopides 174, ii. 244 : estimate 
of inclination (Eratosthenes, Pto 
lemy) ii. 107-8. 
Ecphantus 317, ii. 2. 
Edfu, Temple of Horus 124. 
Egypt : priests 4-5, 8-9 : relations 
with Greece 8; origin of geometry 
in, 120-2 : orientation of temples' 
Egyptian mathematics : numeral 
system 27-8, fractions 28, multi 
plication, &c. 14-15, 52-3: geo 
metry (mensuration) 122-8 : tri 
angle (3, 4, 5) right-angled 122, 
147: value of?r 124,125: measure 
ment of pyramids 126-8: maps 
(regional) 139 : algebra in Papyrus 
Rhind, &c. ii. 440-1. 
Eisenlohr, A. 123, 126, 127. 
Eisenmann, H. J. ii. 360. 
Elements : as known to Pytha 
goreans 166-8; progress in, down 
to Plato 170-1,175-6,201-2, 209- 
13, 216-17 : writers of Elements, 
Hippocrates of Chios 170-1, 201- 
2, Leon, Theudius 320-1 : other 
contributors to, Leodamas, Ar 
chytas 170, 212-13, Theaetetus 
209-12, 354, Hermotimus of Colo 
phon 320, Eudoxus 320, 323-9, 
354: Elements of Euclid 357-419: 
the so-called ‘ Books XIV, XV ’ 
Ell, as measure of angles ii. 215-16. 
Empedocles : on Pythagoras 65. 
Eneström, G. ii. 341-2. 
Enneagon : Heron’s measurement 
of side ii. 259, of area ii. 328-9. 
Epanthema of Thymaridas (system 
of simple equations) 94: other 
types reduced to, 94-6. 
Equations : simple, in Papyrus 
Rhind, &c. ii. 441 : in epanthema 
of Thymaridas and in Iamblichus 
94-6 : in Greek anthology ii. 
441-3 : indeterminate, see Inde 
terminate Analysis : see also 
Quadratic, Cubic. 
Eratosthenes ii. 1, 16: date, &c. 
ii. 104: sieve (kóo-klvi v) for finding 
primes 16, 100, ii. 105 : on dupli 
cation of cube 244-6,251, 258-60: 
the Platonieus ii. 104-5 : On Means 
ii. 105-6, ii. 359 : Measurement of 
earth ii. 106-7, ii. 242, ii. 346 ; 
astronomy ii, 107-9 ; chronology 
and Geographicali. 109: on Octae 
teris ih. 
Erycinus ii. 359, 365-8. 
Euclid 2-3. 93, 131 : date,&c. 354- 
6 : stories of, 25, 354, 357 : rela 
tion to predecessors 354, 357 : 
Pappus on, 356-7. 
Arithmetic: classification and 
definitions of numbers 72-8, 397, 
‘ perfect ’ numbers 74, 402 : for 
mula for right-angled triangles 
in rational numbers 81-2, 405. 
Conics 438-9, ii. 121-2, focus- 
directrix property ii. 119-21 : on 
ellipse 439. ii. Ill, ii. 125.

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