Full text: From Aristarchus to Diophantus (Volume 2)

Jan, C. 444. 
Joachim Camerarius ii. 274. 
Joachim, H. H. 348». 
Johannes de Sacrobosco 368. 
Jordanus Nemorarius ii. 328. 
Jourdain, P. E. B. 283 n. 
Kahun Papyri 125, 126, 
Kant 173. 
Keil, B. 34-5. 
Kepler ii. 20, ii. 99. 
Kochly, H. A. T. ii. 309. 
Koppa (9 for 90) = Phoenician Qoph 
Kubitschek, W. 50. 
Lagrange ii. 483. 
Laird, A. G. 306 n. 
Laplace 173. 
Larfeld, W. 31»., 33-4. 
Lawson 436. 
Leibniz 279, ii. 20. 
Lemma 373, ii. 533. 
Leodamas of Thasos 120, 170, 212, 
291, 319. 
Leon 319. 
Leon (of Constantinople) ii. 25. 
Leonardo of Pisa 367, 426, ii. 547. 
Lepsius, C. R. 124. 
Leucippus 181. 
Libri, G. ii. 556. 
* Linear ’ (of numbers) 73. 
‘ Linear’ loci and problems 218-19. 
Lines, classification of, ii. 226. 
Livy ii. 18. 
Loci: classification of,218-19, plane, 
solid, linear 218: loci on surfaces 
219: ‘ solid loci’ii. 116-19. 
Loftus, W. K. 28. 
Logistic (opp. to ‘arithmetic’), 
science of calculation 13-16, 23, 
Logistica speciosa and numerosa 
(Yieta) ii. 456. 
Loria, G. iv-v, 350 »., ii. 293 ». 
Luca Paciuolo 367, ii, 324 », 
Lucas, E. 75 ». 
Lucian 75 ».. 77, 99, 161, ii. 18. 
Lucretius 177. 
Magic squares ii. 550. 
Magnus, Logistica 234-5. 
Mamercus or Mamertius 140, 141, 
al-Ma’mun, Caliph 362. 
al-Mansur, Caliph 362. 
Manus, for number 27. 
Marinus 444, ii. 192, ii. 537-8. 
Martianus Capella 359, 365, 
Martin, T. H. ii. 288, ii. 546. 
Maslama b. Ahmad al-Majrîtï ii. 
292. _ 
Massalia 8. 
Mastaba tombs 128. 
Mathematics : meaning 10-11, clas 
sification of subjects 11-18: 
branches of applied mathematics 
17-18 : mathematics in Greek 
education 18-25. 
Maurolycus ii. 262. 
Means : arithmetic, geometric, and 
subcontrary (harmonic) known 
in Pythagoras’s time 85 : defined 
by Archytas ib. : fourth, fifth, and 
sixth discovered, perhaps by Eu 
doxus 86, four more by Myonides 
and Euphranor 86 : ten means 
in Nicomachus and Pappus 87-9, 
Pappus’s propositions 88-9 : no 
rational geom. mean between suc 
cessive numbers (Archytas) 90, 
Mechanics, divisions of, 18 : writer’s 
on, Archytas 213, Aristotle 344-6, 
445-6, Archimedes ii. 18, ii. 23-4, 
ii. 75-81,Ptolerayii.295, Heronii. 
346-52, Pappus ii. 427-34. 
Megethion ii. 360. 
Memus, Johannes Baptista, ii. 127. 
Menaechmus 2, 25, 251-2, 320-1 : 
discoverer of conic sections 251- 
3, ii. 110-16: solved problem of 
two mean proportionals 245,246, 
251- 5 : on ‘ problems’ 318. 
Menelaus of Alexandria ii. 198, ii. 
252- 3 : date, &c. ii. 260-1 : Table of 
Chords ii. 257: Sphaerica ii. 261- 
73 : Menelaus’s theorem ii. 266- 
8,270: anharmonic property ii. 
269 : napâ8o£os curve ii. 260-1. 
Mensa Pythagorea 47. 
Mensuration : in primary education 
19 : in Egypt 122-8 ; in Heron ii. 
Meton 220. 
Metrodorus ii. 442. 
Minus, sign for, in Diophantus ii. 
Mochus 4. 
Moschopoulos, Manuel, ii. 549-50. 
Muhammad Bagdadinus 425, 
Multiplication : Egyptian method 

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