Full text: From Aristarchus to Diophantus (Volume 2)

Rudolph of Bruges ii. 292. 
Ruelle, Ch. im. ii. 538. 
Rüstow, F. W. ii. 809. 
Ruler - and - compasses restriction 
Sachs, Eva, 209«. 
Salaminian table 48, 50-1. 
Salmon ii. 28, ii. 103. 
Sampi = 900) derived from 
Ssade q.v. 
Sar (Babylonian for 60 2 ) 28, ii. 215. 
Satapatha Brahmana, 146. 
Savile, Sir H., on Euclid 360, 369. 
Scalene', of triangles 142: of certain 
solid numbers 107: of an odd 
number (Plato) 292: of an oblique 
cone ii. 134. 
Schiaparelli, G. 317, 330, ii. 539. 
Schmidt, W. ii. 308, 309, 310. 
Schöne, H. ii. 308. 
Schöne, R. ii. 308, 317. 
Scholiast to Charmides 14, 53. 
Schooten, F. van, 75«,, ii. 185. 
Schulz, O. ii. 455. 
Scopinas ii. 1. 
Secondary numbers 72. 
Sectio canonis 17, 215, 444. 
Seelhoff, P. 75 n. 
Seleucus ii. 3. 
Semicircle : angle in, is right 
(Thales) 131, 133-7. 
Senkereh, Tables 28, 29. 
Senti, base (of pyramid) 427. 
Se-qet, ‘that which makes tb e nature ’ 
(of pyramid) = cotangent of angle 
of slope 127-8, 130, 131. 
Serenus ii. 519-26: On section of 
cylinder ii. 519-22, On section of 
cone ii, 522-6. 
Sesostris (Ramses II) 121. 
Sexagesimal system of numerals 
and fractions 28-9 : sexagesimal 
fractions in Greek 44-5, 59, 61-3, 
233, ii. 277-83. 
Sextius 220. 
Sicily 8. 
‘ Side-’ and ‘diameter-numbers’ 91- 
3, 112, 153, 308, 380, ii. 536. 
Simon, M, 200. 
Simplicius: extract from Eudemus 
on Hippocrates’s quadrature of 
lunes 171, 182-99 : on Antiphon 
221-2 : on Eudoxus’s theory of 
concentric spheres 329: commen 
tary on Euclid 358, ii. 539-40 : on i 
mechanical works of Archimedes 
ii. 24: ii. 538-40. 
Simson, R., edition of Euclid’s 
Elements 365, 369, and of Euclid’s 
Data 421: on Euclid’s Porisms 
435-6 : restoration of Plane Loci 
of Apollonius ii. 185, ii. 360. 
Simus of Posidonia 86. 
Sines, Tables of, ii. 253, ii. 259-60. 
Sinus rectus, sinus versus 367. 
Sluse, R. F. de, 96. 
Smith, D. E. 49, 133«. 
‘ Solid ’ loci and problems 218, ii. 
117—18: Solid Loci of Aristaeus 
438, ii. 118-19. 
‘Solid’ numbers, classified 106-8. 
Solids, Five regular: discovery at 
tributed to Pythagoras or Pytha 
goreans 84, 141, 158-60, 168, 
alternatively (as regards octahe 
dron and icosahedron) to Theae 
tetus 162: all five investigated 
by Theaetetus 159,162, 212, 217: 
Plato on, 158-60: Euclid’s con 
structions for, 415-19 : Pappus’s 
constructions ii. 368-9 : content 
of, ii. 335, ii. 395-6. 
Solon 4, 48. 
Sophists: taught mathematics 23. 
Sosigenes 316, 329. 
Soss = sussu = 60 (Babylonian) 28, 
ii. 215. 
Speusippus 72, 73, 75, ii. 515: on 
Pythagorean numbers 76, 318: 
on the five regular solids 318 : on 
theorems ih. 
Sphaeric 11-12 : treatises on, by Au 
tolycus and Euclid 348-52, 440- 
1: earlier text-book presupposed 
in Autolycus 349-50; Sphaerica 
of Theodosius ii. 245, 246-52, of 
Menelaus ii. 252-3, 260, 261-73. 
Sphere-making 18: Archimedes on, 
ii. 17-18. 
Spiric sections ii. 203-6. 
Sporus 226 : criticisms on quadra- 
trix 229-30 : Krjpin 234: duplica 
tion of cube 266-8. 
Square root, extraction of, 60-3: 
ex. in sexagesimal fractions 
(Theon) 61-2, (scholiast to Eu 
clid) 63: method of approxima 
ting to surds ii. 51-2, ii. 323-6, 
ii. 547-9, ii. 553-4. 
Square numbers 69 : formation by 
adding successive gnomons (odd

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