Full text: From Aristarchus to Diophantus (Volume 2)

numbers) 77 : any square is sum 
of two triangular numbers 8B-4 : 
8 times a triangular number 
+ 1 = square, 84, ii. 516. 
Ssade, Phoenician sibilant (signs 
TiiTlT) became (900) 32. 
‘ Stadium,’ 1 /60th of 80°, ii. 215. 
Stadium of Zeno 276-7, 281-8. 
Star-pentagon, or pentagram, of 
Pythagoreans 161-2. 
Stereographic projection (Ptolemy) 
ii. 292. 
Stevin, S. ii. 455. 
‘ Stigma,’ name for numei’al “T, 
originally C (digamma) 32. 
Strabo 121, ii. 107, ii. 220. 
Strato ii. 1. 
Subcontrary (= harmonic) mean, 
defined 85. 
Subtraction in Greek notation 52, 
Surds: Theodorus on, 22-3, 155-6, 
203- 9, 304: Theaetetus’s general 
ization 203-4, 205, 209, 304 : see 
also ‘Approximations ’. 
Surface-Loci 219, ii. 380-5: Euclid’s 
439-40, ii. 119, ii. 425-6. 
Sunja-Siddhdnta ii. 253. 
Sussu = soss (Babylonian for 60) 28, 
ii. 215. 
Synesius of Gyrene ii. 298. 
Synthesis 371-2: defined by Pappus 
ii. 400. 
Syracuse 8. 
Table of Chords 45, ii. 259-60, ii. 
Tdittinya Samhitd 146. 
Tannery, P. 15, 44, 87, 89,119, 132, 
180, 182, 184, 188, 196 n., 232, 
279, 326, 440, ii. 51, ii. 105, ii. 
204- 5, ii. 215, ii. 218, ii. 253, 
ii. 317, ii. 453, ii. 483, ii. 519, 
ii. 538, ii. 545, 546, ii. 550, ii. 556, 
ii. 561. 
Teles on secondary education 21. 
Teos inscription 32, 34. 
Tetrads of Apollonius 40. 
Tetrahedron: construction 416, ii. 
368 ? volume of, ii. 335. 
Thabit b. Qurra : translator of Eu 
clid 362, 363: of Archimedes’s 
Liber assumptorum ii. 22: of 
Apollonius’s Conics Y-YII ii. 127: 
of Menelaus’s Elements of Geo 
metry ii. 260:, of Ptolemy ii. 
Thales 2, 4, 67 : one of Seven Wise 
Men 128, 142: introduced geo 
metry into Greece 128: geometri 
cal theorems attributed to, 130- 
7: measurement of height of 
pyramid 129-30, and of distance 
of ship from shore 131-3: defini 
tion of number 69 : astronomy 
137-9, ii. 244: predicted solar 
eclipse 137-8. 
Theaetetus 2, 119, 170: on surds 
22-3,155, 203-4, 205, 209, 304: 
investigated regular solids 159, 
162, 212,217: on irrationals 209- 
12, 216-17. 
Themistius 221, 223, 224. 
Theodorus of Gyrene: taught mathe 
matics 22-3: on surds 22-3, 155— 
6, 203-9, 304. 
Theodosius ii. 245-6: SphaericaZAd- 
50, ii. 246-52: other works ii. 
246; no trigonometry in, ii. 250. 
Theologumena arithmetices 96, 97, 
Theon of Alexandria : examples of 
multiplication and division 58, 
59 -60 : extraction of square root 
61-3: edition of Euclid’s Elemen ts 
360-1, ii. 527-8: of Optics 441, 
ii. 528 : Catoptrica ib.: commen 
tary on Syntaxis 58, 60, ii. 274, 
ii. 526-7. 
Theon of Smyrna 12, 72, 73, 74, 75, 
76, 79, 83, 87, ii. 515: treatise 
of, ii. 238-44 : on ‘ side- ’ and 
‘diameter-numbers’ 91-3, 112: 
forms of numbers which cannot 
be squares 112-13. 
Theophrastus 158, 163: on Plato’s 
view of the earth 315. 
Theudius 320-1. 
Theuth, Egyptian god, reputed in 
ventor of mathematics 121. 
Thevenot, M. ii. 308. 
Thrasyllus 97, 176, 177, ii. 241, ii. 
Thucydides ii. 207. 
Thymaridas : definition of unit 69: 
‘ rectilinear ’ = prime numbers 
72 : firavdryia, a system of simple 
equations solved 94. 
Timaeus of Loeri 86. 
Tittel ii. 300, 301, 304. 
Tore (or anchor-ring): use by Ar 
chytas 219, 247-9: sections of 
(Perseus), ii. 203-6: volume of

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