Full text: From Aristarchus to Diophantus (Volume 2)

(Dionysodorus and Heron), ii. 
218-19, ii, 384-5. 
Torelli, J. ii. 27. 
Transversal : Menelaus’s theorem 
for spherical and plane triangles 
ii. 266-70 : lemmas relating to 
quadrilateral and transversal 
(Pappus) ii. 419-20. 
‘Treasury of Analysis’ 421, 422, 
439, ii. 399-427. 
Triangle : theorem about sum of 
angles Pythagorean 135. 143, 
Geminus and Aristotle on, 135-6. 
Triangle, spherical : called rpinXet- 
pov (Menelaus) ii. 262 : proposi 
tions analogous to Euclid’s on 
plane triangles ii. 262-5 : sum of 
angles greater than two right 
angles ii. 264. 
Triangular numbers 15, 69 : forma 
tion 76-7: 8 times triangular 
number +1 = a square 84, ii. 
Trigonometry ii 5, ii. 198, ii. 257-9, 
ii. 265-73, ii. 276-86, ii. 290-1. 
Trisection of any angle : solutions 
235-44 : Pappus on, ii. 385-6. 
Tschirnhausen, E. W. v., 200. 
Tycho Brahe 317, ii. 2, ii. 196. 
Tzifra (= 0) ii. 547. 
Ukha-thebt (side of base in pyramid) 
126, 127. 
Unit : definitions (Pythagoreans, 
Euclid, Thymaridas, Chrysippus) 
Usener, H. 184, 188. 
Valla, G. : translator of extracts 
from Euclid 365, and from Archi 
medes ii. 26. 
Venatorius, Thomas Gechauff: ed. 
princeps of Archimedes ii. 27. 
Venturi, G. ii. 308. 
Vieta 200, 223, ii. 182, ii.456, ii. 480, 
ii. 557. 
Vigesimal system (of numerals) 26. 
Vincent, A. J. H. 50, 436, ii. 308, 
ii. 545, ii. 546. 
Vitruvius 18, 147, 174, 213, ii. 1, 
ii. 245: Vitruvius and Heron, 
ii. 302-3. 
VLviani, V. ii. 261. 
Vogt, H., 156 203 n. 
Wescher, C. ii. 309. 
Wilamowitz - Moellendorff, U. v., 
158 n., 245, ii. 128. 
Xenocrates 24, 319: works on 
Numbers319 : upheld ‘indivisible 
lines’ 181. 
Xenophon, on arithmetic in educa 
tion 19. 
Xylander (W. Holzmann) ii. 454-5, 
ii. 545. 
Yahya b. Khalid b. Barmak ii. 274. 
Zamberti, B., translator of Euclid 
365, 441. 
Zeno of Elea 271-3: arguments on 
motion 273-83. 
Zeno of Sidon on Eucl. I. 1, 359, ii. 
Zenodorus ii. 207-13. 
Zero in Babylonian notation 29: 
O in Ptolemy 39, 45. 
Zeuthen, H. G. 190, 206-9, 210-11, 
398, 437, ii. 52, ii. 105, ii. 203, 
ii. 290-1, ii. 405, ii. 444. 
Zodiac circle: obliquity discovered 
by Oenopides 138, 174, ii. 244.

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