Full text: From Aristarchus to Diophantus (Volume 2)

Let QGO meet the original circle in P and AB in F. Then 
OFPG is the straight line required. 
For CG. GT = OG . GQ = OG . BK. 
But OF: 0G = BT: GT, by parallels, 
whence OF. GT = OG . BT. 
Therefore CG . GT: OF. GT = OG . BK : OG . BT, 
whence CG : OF = BK : BT 
= BC:OP 
l 2 + 2 2 -f- 
(71-1) (' 
The san 
are a 2 , ( 
= BC: OP. 
the mor< 
Therefore OP :OF=BC: CG, 
and hence PF: OP = BG : BC, 
or PF: BG = OB : BC — D : E. 
itself, tl 
radius v 
(= the < 
Pappus objects to Archimedes’s use of the i/evais assumed in 
Prop. 8, 9 in these words: 
second c 
the ‘ first 
‘ it seems to be a grave error into which geometers fall 
whenever any one discovers the solution of a plane problem 
by means of conics or linear (higher) curves, or generally 
solves it by means of a foreign kind, as is the case e.g. (1) with 
the problem in the fifth Book of the Conics of Apollonius 
relating to the parabola, and (2) when Archimedes assumes in 
his work on the spiral a veva-is of a “solid” character with 
reference to a circle; for it is possible without calling in the 
aid of anything solid to find the proof of the theorem given by 
Archimedes, that is, to prove that the circumference of the 
circle arrived at in the first revolution is equal to the straight 
line drawn at right angles to the initial line to meet the tangent 
to the spiral (i.e. the subtangent).’ 
and so o 
as radius 
sum of 
spiral coi 
r = a 6. 
than 7t, < 
the first, 
There is, however, this excuse for Archimedes, that he only 
assumes that the problem can be solved and does not assume 
the actual solution. Pappus 1 himself gives a solution of the 
particular vevais by means of conics. Apollonius wrote two 
Books of veva-ei?, and it is quite possible that by Archimedes’s 
time there may already have been a collection of such problems 
to which tacit reference was permissible. 
Prop. 10 repeats the result of the Lemma to Prop. 2 of On 
1 Pappus, iv, pp. 298-302. 
of a circ 
‘ first cir 
are two ] 
if P, Q 
spiral, ai 
Prop. :

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