0 to 1, <£(«) assumes once and once only every value between
<j)(0) = 0 and </>(!) = 1; but </> («) is discontinuous for «= 0, 1.
As a matter of fact, however, the curves which usually occur
in elementary mathematics are all composed of a finite number of
pieces along iwhich y always varies in the same direction. It is
easy to show that if y = </>(«) always varies in the same direction
(i.e. steadily increases or decreases) as x varies from « 0 to x ly the
two notions of continuity are really equivalent, i.e. that if <f>(x)
takes every value between fi{x 0 ) and ^(«j) it must be a continuous
function in the sense of § 84. For let £ be any value of x between
x 0 and x x . As through values less than £, <£(«) tends to
a limit l. Similarly as «-*■£ through values greater than £ it
tends to a limit V. Moreover l ^ </> (£) ^ If and the function will
be continuous for « = % if and only if
But if either of these equations is untrue, say the first, it is
evident that <£(«) never assumes any value which lies between l
and <f) (£), which is contrary to our assumption. Thus (f>(x) must
be continuous. The net result of this and the last section is
consequently to show that our commonsense notion of what we
mean by continuity is substantially accurate, and capable of precise
statement in mathematical terms.
88. Inverse functions. The reader is already familiar with
some examples of inverse functions: thus arc sin« and arc tan«
are the functions inverse to sin « and tan «. Generally, if y = </>(«)