say. It is evident that r] is of the second order of smallness, xr] of the third,
and rj 2 of the fourth ; and -2erj = Ax 2 + 2ABX 3 , the error being of the fourth
10. If x=ay-\-by 2 +cy z , then one value of y is given by
y = ax+/3a- 2 + yx 3 (1 + e x ),
where a = l/a, /3 — - 6/a 3 , y = (26 2 —ac)/a 5 , and e x is of the first order of small
ness when x is small.
11. If x=ay + by n , where n is an integer greater than unity, then one
value of y is given by y=ax + ¡3x n +yx 2n “ 1 (1 -he*), where a = 1 /a, /3 = — b/a n + 1 ,
y=nb 2 /a 2n + 1 , and e x is of the {n — l)th order of smallness when x is small.
12. Prove that (sec x - tan x) -*■ 0 as x
13. Prove that fy(x) = 1 — cos (1 - cos x) is of the fourth order of smallness
when x is small; and find the limit of <p (x)jx i as 0.
14. Prove that (/) {x)=#sin (sin#) — sin 2 # is of the sixth order of smallness
when x is small; and find the limit of <p (x)/x‘ ] as #-*•().
15. From a point T in a radius OA of a circle produced, a tangent TP is
drawn to the circle, touching it in P, and PN is drawn perpendicular to OA.
Show that JVA/A7 1 -*! as P moves up to A.
16. Tangents are drawn to a circular arc at its middle point and its
extremities : A is the area of the triangle formed by the chord of the arc and
the two tangents at the extremities, and A' the area of that formed by the
three tangents. Show that, as the length of the arc tends to zero, A/A'-»-4.
IT. For what values of a does {a+sin (1/#)}/# tend to (1) -foe , (2) - oo,
as x-*~01 [To -foo if a>l, to - oo if a< —1: if -l^a<l the function
18. For what values of x is the function </>(#) = ! - lim ^/(cos 2 tr#) con-
tinuous or discontinuous ?
19. Show that the least positive root of the equation sin#=a# is a
continuous function of a throughout the interval (0, 1), and increases steadily
from 0 to n as a decreases from 1 to 0. [The function is the inverse of
(sin x)/x: apply § 88.]
20. The least positive root of tan x=ax is a continuous function of a
throughout the interval (1, oo), and increases steadily from 0 to %rr as a
increases from 1 towards qo .
21. If (p (x)=-l ¡q when x=p/q, (x) — 0 when x is irrational, cp(x) is
continuous for all irrational and discontinuous for all rational values of x.
22. Let </> (x)=x when x is rational and cp{x)~l -x when x is irrational.
Show that, as x increases from 0 to 1, </> (,r) assumes every value, between
and including 0 and 1, once and once only, although </> (x) is discontinuous
for every value of x except x=