is sufficient to consider the curve formed by two straight lines
meeting to form an angle (Fig. 43).
The reader will verify at once that in
this case {<f>(x + h) — (f)(x)}/h has the
limit tana as h-*-0, if x<x 0 , but the
limit tan /3 if x > x 0 . And
{<£ (x 0 + h) - <j> (x 0 )]/h
has no limit as A^O. In fact it has Fig. 43.
the limit tan /3 if h-*~0 by positive
values and the limit tana if A-*-0 by negative values.
This is of course one of the cases in which a curve might reasonably be
said to have two directions at a point. But the following example, although
more difficult, shows conclusively that there are cases in which a continuous
curve cannot be said to have either one definite direction or several directions
at one of its points. Draw the graph of the function x sin (1/#) (Fig. 16,
Ch. II). The function is not defined for # = 0 and so is discontinuous for
x=0. But (Exs. xxxviii. 17) the function defined by the equations
(f> (x) = x sin (1 jx) (a?4= 0), (f) (x)=0 {x = 0)
is continuous for .r = 0: and the graph of this function, if it could be drawn
completely (and we can draw it quite adequately enough to obtain a general
idea of its appearance) would satisfy our common sense intuition of what a
continuous curve should be like*.
But 4>{x) has no derivative for x=0. For </>'(0) would be, by definition,
lim {(f> (h) - $ (0)}//i or lim sin (1 Jh) and this limit does not exist. The reader,
on studying the figure carefully, will probably agree that the curve does not
look as if it had a tangent or a definite direction at the origin.
It has even been shown that a function of x may be continuous and yet
have no derivative for any value of x. But the proof of this is much more
difficult; the reader who is interested in the question may be referred to
Bromwich’s Infinite Series, pp. 490-1, or Hobson’s Theory of Functions
of a Real Variable, pp. 620-5.
(3) Rates of Variation. There is another general point of
view from which the notion of the derivative of a function </>(#)
may be considered. Let us suppose that OM, measured along
OX, represents the value of x, and ON, measured along OY,
represents the value of y = f>{x): so that the corresponding point
on the graph of </>(&•) is obtained by completing the rectangle
OMPN. Further, let us imagine the variation of x as taking
* No doubt it is a somewhat peculiar curve, but there is obviously no breach of
continuity. The apparently arbitrary assignment of the value 0 to (p (x) for a; = 0
is in reality natural enough—it merely amounts to the filling in, so to say, of a
single point previously missing in the curve y = a;sin (1 jx).