two valued on one side of P and not defined on the other. In
such cases we may consider the two sets of values of <j>{x), which
occur on one side of P or the other, as defining distinct functions
(jrfx) and </> 2 («), the upper part of the curve corresponding to (fjfx).
The reader will easily convince himself that in (a)
{<p(x + h) — <f)(x)]/h-* + oo ,
as h-*~ 0, and in (b)
{<]>(x + h) — (p(x)]/h — oo ;
while in (c)
{(f>i(x + h) - (pfx)]/h-*- + go , + h) — (p 2 {x)]/h — oo ,
and in (d)
{(pfx + h) —(^(x^/h-*- — x , [<p. 2 (x + h) — <j> 2 (x)]/h-*- + oo,
though of course in (c) only positive and in (d) only negative
values of h can be considered, a fact which by itself would preclude
the existence of a derivative at P.
94. Some general rules for differentiation. Through
out the theorems which follow we assume that the functions
f(x) and F (x) have derivatives f\x) and F'(x), for the values of
x considered.
(1) If <f>(x) =/{x) + F (x), (f){x) has a derivative
cf>'{x)=f\x) + F'{x).
(2) If (f){x) = cf{x), where c is a constant, (f>{x) has a de
rivative <t>\v) = cf\x).
We leave it as an exercise to the reader to deduce these results
from the general theorems on limits stated in Ex. xxxvi. 1.
(3) If (f) (x) = f(x) F{x), (f) (x) has a derivative
*'(«)-/(*) F\x)+f'{x) F(x).
For <f)' (x) = lim [f{x + h) F (x + h) — f{x) F (x)]/h
= Urn i fix + h) F ^ + h)-F(x) + F{x) fix + h) -fix) |
=/0) F'{x) + F{x)f{x).
(4) <f) (x) — 1 ff(x) has a derivative f {x) = — f'{%)/{f(x)] 2 .