3. Show that 1 /(x 2 +1) = {\ij(x 4- ¿)} - [\ij(x - 0}
l 1 /(1 + X s ) = {i/(^ + l)} + {s<o/(^ + a))} + {Jo) 2 /{x + w 2 )}
where w and w 2 are the complex cube roots of unity. Write down the
derivatives of the functions and verify that they agree with the results
obtained by means of the formula R'=(P'Q— PQ')/Q 2 ,
4. If Q has a factor (x — a) m , the denominator of R' (when reduced to its
lowest terms) is divisible by (x — a) m +1 but by no higher power of (x — a).
5. In no case can the denominator of A" have a simple factor x -a.
Hence no rational function (such as l/x) whose denominator contains any
simple factor can be the derivative of another rational function.
99. C. Algebraical Functions. We add a few examples
connected with the differentiation of irrational algebraical func
tions. At present we are not in a position to consider this
question systematically, as the theorems which we have proved do
not furnish ns with any simple or convenient method of finding
the derivative even of so elementary a function as V(1 +# 2 ). The
further consideration of the subject must be postponed until
Examples XLV. 1. The derivative of x m is rnx m ~ l for any rational
value of m (§ 98). Deduce from Th. (8) of § 94 that the derivative of
(ax + b) m is ma(ax+b) m ~ 1 .
2. Find the derivatives of
x /(!+^), v/(l—#), y/{{l+x)/(l-#)}, K l{(ax+b)/(cx + d)}, {(1 +x)/(l ~x)} m ,
(1 + sjx)!{ 1 - Jx), {J(x +1)+J(x -1 )}!{J{x +1) - J{x - 1)}, (ax + b) m (cx + d) n .
3. Show that if y = Jx+>J(x+ t Jx) then ^=y 4 /(2?/ + l) 2 . Show that
dxjdy = 4?/ 3 (y-f l)/(2y + l) 3 and deduce that
dy _ 1
dx 2Jx
100. D. Transcendental Functions. We have already
proved (Ex. xli. 5) that
D x sin x = cos x, D x cos x = — sin x.
By means of Theorems (4) and (5) of § 94 the reader will
easily verify the following formulae:
D x tan x — sec 2 x, D x cot x = — cosec 2 x,
D x sec x = tan x sec x, D x cosec x = — cot x cosec x.
By means of Theorem (8) the reader can write down the
derivatives of tan {ax + b), cot (ax + b), etc. And by means of
Theorem (9) we cari determine the derivatives of the ordinary