If we put b = a + h we obtain the equation
f(a + h) =/(a) + hf'(a) + \№f"{a + 6h) (2),
which is the standard form of what may be called the Mean
Value Theorem of the second order.
The analogy suggested by (1) and (2) at once leads us to
formulate the following theorem :
Taylor’s or the General Mean Value Theorem. If
f{x) is a function of x which has derivatives of the first n orders
throughout the whole interval {a, h), then
f(b) —f (a) + (/>- a)f\a) +
where a < % < h: or, if b = a + h,
f{a + h) =f{a) + hf'(a) + \hf\a) + ...
,/< n -D (a) + ^/ (w, (a + 0/i)
where 0 < 6 < 1.
The proof proceeds on precisely the same lines as were adopted
before in the special cases in which n= 1, 2. We consider the
where F n (x) =f(b) -f{x) - (b -x)f (x)~^-.(b- xff'fx) - ...
This function vanishes for x = a and x = b ; its derivative is
and there must be some value of x between a and b for which
the derivative vanishes. This leads at once to the desired result.
In view of the great importance of this theorem we shall give
at the end of this chapter another proof, not essentially distinct
from that given above, but different in form and depending on
the method of integration by parts.