of infinite length, we may regard these elements as forming
parts of the successive positions of a plane subject to move
according to a given law. This method will usually be found
the most convenient in practical applications; and it leads
easily to the general differential equation to developable
surfaces, and to other results, which we shall now obtain by
means of it.
184. To find the general equation to developable sur
faces, considered as generated by the consecutive intersections
of the positions assumed by a plane subject to move after
a given law.
The law according to which the plane moves will vary
with each particular surface; but in order that the motion
may be completely determined, and that a single surface
and not an infinite number of surfaces may be generated,
it must leave only one arbitrary parameter in the equation
to the moveable plane. The successive positions assumed
by the plane by virtue of the infinitely small variations of
the parameter, will cut one another consecutively in straight
lines, which taken two and two are in the same plane;
these lines will therefore form a developable surface touched
by all the planes. Hence the law of succession of the planes
which generate a developable surface requires that two of
the three arbitrary constants which enter into the equation
to a plane should be functions of the third, or, which is the
same thing, that they should all be functions of the same
parameter a; let therefore
* = Xf t> («) + Vf(o) + 0 («)
be the equation to the generating plane in one of its positions
depending upon the parameter a ; then the equation to the
plane, which differs insensibly from it in position, will be
* = at i0(«) + 0'(a) • + &c.} + y{/(a) + /' (a) . Set + &C.j
+ 0 (a) + \js' (a) . S a + &c.;
and the co-ordinates of the points in which they intersect