Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Vol. 1)

gives 1202.064 — 
£1202 1 3. 
97. To find the present value of a Temporary Annuity. 
Find in Table 6 the present value of £l per annum and multiply it 
by the annuity. 
Example. What is the present value of ¿£80 per annum for 12 years 
at 4 per cent compound interest ? 
In Table 6, under 4 per cent opposite to 12 years, we find 9.3850 
which multiplied by 80 
¡rives 750.800= 
£750 16 0, the present value required. 
98. To find what Annuity a given sum will purchase. 
Divide the sum bv the present value of £l per annum found in 
Table 6. 
Example. What annuity may be purchased for £750 16 0 for 12 
years at 4 per cent compound interest ? 
99. To find the present value of a Deferred Annuity. 
Find in Table 6 the present value of ¿£l per annum, to be entered 
upon immediately, and continued until the expiration of the deferred 
annuity, and subtract from it the present value of £l per annum for the 
term the annuity is deferred. 
Example. What is the present value of ¿£60 per annum, to be 
entered upon at the expiration of 12 years, and then continued for 9 
years at 4|- per cent compound interest ? 
12 + 9 = 21. 
In Table 6 we find the present value of £l per annum] jg 4047 
for 21 years j 
for 12 years 9.1186 
the difference 4.2861 
multiplied by the annuity 60 
gives 257.166 
= £257 3 4.

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