Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Vol. 1)

ponding num- 
to the present 
per cent com- 
• cent opposite 
2, the present 
it value of any 
n, the present 
received at the 
we find under 
due required. 
3 corresponding 
aterest of £l. 
rs at 5 per cent 
in Table III., 
i diminished by 
. 578564, which 
ity by multiply - 
it is required to 
ise for 20 years, 
the expiration of 
' him 5 per cent 
nt we have 
4 per cent is found by extracting from the column headed 4 per cent, 
opposite to 8 years, the number 
which multiplied by 50 
gives 632.965—£632 19 4, the value required. 
Table VII. is constructed by dividing unity by the corresponding 
number in Table VI.; thus, in Table VI. at 5 per cent for ten years, 
the present value of £l per annum is 7.721735, and ■ _ = 
« •iAi /03 
.129505, the annuity at the same rate, and for a similar term which £l 
may purchase. 
Multiplying the number in this table by any given sum, we find the 
annuity which that sum will purchase. 
Example. Under column 3 per cent opposite to 20 years, we have 
which multiplied by 500 
will give 33.608=£33 12 2, the annuity which may 
be purchased for £500 for 20 years at 3 per cent. 
Table VIII. shows the logarithm corresponding to the number in 
Table IV., the utility of which will be sufficiently obvious to those who 
are acquainted with the nature and use of logarithms. 
be received, 
n Table IV. from 
»find .58467929, 
i divided by . 05, 
i for 11 years at 
ly the value given 
annuity of which 
)0 for 18 years at

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