Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Vol. 1)

•-o c/q 
= mn 
875,001 as before. 
ivhen stocks are 90 : 
the interest as it 
nterest in the funds 
06 = £8209 14 4 
nds prevent us from 
ant of an investment 
as it is not probable 
pnal rate ; it is there- 
ic amount will be, to 
b our calculation shall 
f money being received 
e of much importance 
t out in this way for a 
erable. The following 
* interest of ¿Cl for one 
session being expanded 
and the remaining part 
3 converges very fast, is 
When in equals 2 the difference is —, when in equals 4 it becomes 
3 i 2 i 3 i* 
IT + l6 + 256* 
27. The greater the number of intervals at which interest is payable, 
. , m — 1 m— 2 . , 
the more nearly do , , &c. approximate to unity. If then 
we write the limit unity for each of these fractions, we have the amount 
of £l in one year on the supposition that there is no portion of time, 
however small, but what produces some interest. The series then 
V* Z a 
becomes 1 + » + + YHTo + 
:,&c., which '’ 
series, as shewn by writers on logarithms, is equal to the number that 
has* for its Naperian logarithm, or i X .434294482 for its logarithm 
in the common system. 
Example. What will be the amount of £300 in one year at 4 per 
cent, compound interest payable momently ? 
p = 300 
i — .04 
1+ - 
.01737177928 1.04081 
[amount of £l 
[ in one year. 
When in is infinite, the formula ( 1 + 
312.243= £312 4 10. 
when expanded,becomes 
i n' 
:,-j-&c., which series 
, L It t 
* m 1 ^ 2 | j ^ i j ^ i ^ ^ 2 j ^} 
is equal to the number that has in for its Naperian logarithm, or in 
X .434294482 for its logarithm in the common system? 
Example. What will be the amount of ¿£300 in 40 years at 5 per 
cent compound interest payable momently ? 
p — 300, i = .04, n ~ 40 
in — 1.6 
6.1 inverted 
log { 1 + 
1485.909 — 
28. In the first of these examples the amount of £l in one year, if 
interest were payable yearly, would be 1.04; the difference between this

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