Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Vol. 1)

very nearly, and a still nearer approximation may be made, if upon 
trial the result is not found sufficiently exact, by proceeding in the same 
manner with the value just obtained. 
For common purposes, Table 5, containing the amounts of £l per 
annum may be used; for if we divide the amount of the annuity by the 
annuity, we obtain the amount of £l per annum, and the nearest quan 
tity to this opposite the given number of years will give (by observing 
the rate per cent under which this is found) an approximation to the 
rate sought. 
At what rate per cent will £20 per annum amount in 10 years to 
s 232.07 
— = : — = 11.6035 — amount of £l per annum in 10 years: 
«20 1 
referring to Table 5, we find this sum lies between the amounts of £l 
per annum in 10 years at 3 and 3^ per cent. 
11.7314 = amount of £l per annum at 3ij per cent . 035 
11.4639 = .. .. ditto .. .. 3 per cent .03 
.2675 difference in the amounts . 005 
.2675 : .005 :: .1279 : .00239; 
this being added to . 03 gives . 03239 ; 
call this iand make the true rate i = i' + ~ ; 
of interest. 
+ -i‘ 
(1 + i'y 
2 = 
U (1 + i') 
i'V-i - 
1 + .375837 - 1.375425 
13.32276 — 11.6035 
= 00024. 
i = i' + 2 = .03239 + .00024 = .03263, which result is very near 
the truth, the true value being .032625, or £3 5 3 per cent: if .03263 
had not upon trial proved sufficiently near, we might then have ob 
tained a still nearer approximation by assuming i' = .03263, and 
repeating the process. 
The sum . 03239 obtained by adding to the rate per cent the propor 
tional part obtained from the differences, is sufficiently near for most 
purposes, it differing only 6d. per cent from the true rate. 
48. When the annuity is payable m' times a year, and interest is con 
vertible m times, — (if a whole number) is the number of periods 
interest is convertible in the interval between any two payments of 
the annuity; the amount of £l in the m'th part of a year is therefore 
1 + 1

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