This is a difficulty which a theory of mere direction cannot get over.
Led by his theory of perpendicularity, Bue6 considers the question : What
does a conic section become, when its ordinates become imaginary ? Con
sider a circle; when x has any value between — a and -f- «> then
y = dri/ a 2 — x 2
But when x is greater than a, or less than —a, let it be denoted by x', and
the analogue of y by y', then
y' = |/x' 2 — a 2 .
Buee advances the view that the circle in the plane of the paper changes into
an equilateral hyperbola in the plane perpendicular to the plane of the paper;
but he does not prove the suggestion, or test it by application to calculation.
A similar view has been developed by Phillips and Beebe in their “Graphic
Algebra.” It appears to me that here we have a fundamental question in
the theory of \/—1. The expression 1/a 2 —x 2 denotes the ordinate of the
circle, what is represented by |/ —1 \/x' 2 —a 2 , x' being greater than a?
The former is constructed by drawing from the extremity of x a straight
line at right angles to it in
the given plane, and de
scribing with centre 0 a
circle of radius a the point
of intersection P determin
ing the length of the ordi
nate, and—\/ a?—x 2 is equal
and opposite. Now (fig. 4)
~\/x' 2 —a 2 is equal in length
to the tangent from the ex
tremity of x' to the circle,
and p 7 "—1 appears to indi
cate the direction of the
tangent, which varies in inclination to the axis of x, but is determined by
always being perpendicular to the radius at the point of contact. Hence
if x 1 be considered a directed magnitude, the expression
x' +}/—1 \/x' 2 —a 2
denotes the radius from O to the one point of contact T, while
x'—\/—1 ]/x 2 —a 2
denotes the radius to the other point of contact T'. This construction
does not necessitate going out of the given plane; and if space be consid
ered we have a whole complex of ordinates to the sphere, as well as a
complex of tangents to the sphere. The ordinary theory of minus gives
no explanation of the double sign in the case of the tangent. It is true in
the case of the two ordinates, that the one is opposite to the other in direc
tion, but it is not true of the two tangents. In the case of the sphere the
ordinate may have any direction in a plane perpendicular to x, while the
tangent may have any direction in a cone of which x is the axis This
other and hitherto unnoticed meaning of \/—1 will be developed more
fully in the investigation which follows (p. 52).