Sin a A p B = | cos A sin 1B- ¡3 +cos B sin A- a —sin A sin B sin aft • a[31 (2).
Equation (1) expresses what is held to be the fundamental theorem of
spherical trigonometry; but the complementary theorem expressed by
(2) is never considered. So far as magnitude is concerned, it may be de
rived from (1) by the relation cos 2 0 + sin 2 0 = 1; but it is not so as regards
the axis. Equation (1) is the generalization of the theorem of plane trig
cos (A + B) = cos A cos B — sin A sin B;
while equation (2) is the true generalization of the complementary theorem
sin (J. + B) = cos A sin B + cos B sin A.
The one theorem may perhaps be derived logically from the other, when
restricted to the plane, but it is not so in space. The two equations form
together what is called the addition theorem in plane trigonometry. Why
do we have addition on the one side of the equation, while we have mul
tiplication on the other? Because A-\- B is the sum of two indices of an
axis which is not expressed, the complete expression being
cos A cos B — sin A sin B
Sin a AJrB = (cos A sin B + cos B sin A) • a ‘
Prosthaphaeresis in spherical trigonometry.
The formula for a A /3 B is obtained from that for a A ft B
by putting a
minus before the sin B factor. Hence
cos a A fr B = cos A cos B -f- sin A sin B cos ct/3, and
Sina A 13 B =— cosAsinB• /3“ -f-cos BsinA' aC + sin A sin B sin a(3- ap*’
Hence the generalizations for space of
cos (H—B) + cos (A-\-B) =2 cos A cos B,
cos (H—B) — cos (A+B) = 2 sin A sin B,
sin {A-\-B) + sin (A—B) — 2 cos B sin A,
sin (A-\~B) — sin —B) = 2 cos A sin B,
are respectively
cos a A ft B -f- cos a A [l B — 2 cos A cos B,
cos a l-
Sin a A p B — Sin a A [1 B = 2 { cos A sin B • ¡3 — sin A sin B sin «/3 ' a p |'
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