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Questionnaire C asked among other things for name /title of degree or diploma, if the instruction
was leading to it, for indicating whether the subject of photogrammetry was being mentioned in
the diploma in case of a surveyor's or civil engineer's course and for naming the doctorates in
photogrammetry (this in continuation of the list published in the General Report 1960-1964 of
the Commission).
Also in the present survey an attempt was made to characterize the instruction by an identi-
fication number as was introduced by Prof. Halonen, however with some slight modifications
as now the survey was not restricted to the photogrammetric education at the highest level.
The following principal division of the instruction was proposed:
Nature of school/institute
Academic character of instruction
Level of instruction
Status of instruction
Permanence of instruction
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Purpose of instruction
In each group more detailed information about the nature/level of the instruction is indicated
numerically: 1,2,3,.... If there is no teaching in the respective group similar to that as
stated in the directives, an "0" is marked in that group.
In the tables I---V, giving the results of the survey, the schools/institutions are arranged
according to group À of the identification number.
In the tables the detail-numbers of the first 3 groups (A, B and C) are recorded since they are the
most important ones for the characterization of the instructions. They showed up most
clearly in the answers to the questionnaires.
The sub-divisions of these 3 groups are:
A. Nature of school/institute
1. Special schools/institutions for teaching photogrammetry (or related subjects such as photo-
interpretation) leading to a degree or diploma.
2. Schools/institutions with courses preparing students for Surveying.
3. " n n W " " " Civil-Engineering.
4. n M M N M " " Geography, Geology, Agriculture,
Forestry, Architecture
(Courses with photogrammetry/photo-interpretation as a subject).
9, Separate institutes or courses organised by schools, universities or factories or
courses for training employees in organizations or services. (This instruction is in
general not leading to a degree or diploma).