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Lagrange’s Multipliers appear in maxima and minima of functions
of several variables. Fourier’s series and the allied developments
into series of Bessel’s functions and zonal harmonics are treated from
the point of view of making the integral of the square of the error
a minimum.
In the foregoing I have been describing those aims of the book
which are not common in the text-books of the present day. To at
tain these ends, a purely mathematical treatment, availing itself of
that which is best in the mathematics of today, but at the same time
adapted to the powers (and the weaknesses) of the Junior or Senior
in our colleges and schools of technology, must go before ; and, indeed,
not only the early parts of the various chapters, but by far the
greater part of the space throughout the whole book is devoted to
matters of an elementary nature. The book begins with the most
rudimentary properties of polynomials and fractions, in preparation
for integration, and the last chapter might well have been entitled :
“The Story of V— 1.” It may seem exorbitant to spend ten pages
on the study of integrals involving Va + bx + ex' 2 and yet, a thorough
going understanding of all that is here involved covers substantially
the whole field of systematic integration. But why should a physi
cist worry about the sign of a factor removed from under a radical
sign ? Merely becaiise an error here gives him a wrong result in a
problem on attractions.
The book is so written as to afford the greatest latitude in the
order in which the various topics may be taken up. Thus the student
may begin with the chapter on Partial Differentiation, or Double
Integrals, or Differential Equations. Even within a chapter there is
often a choice ; cf. for example the foot-notes on p.p. 44 and 106. Per
sonally, I should not wish to begin the course with Chapter I. For, al
though the subject is largely formal, testing the student’s training in
high school algebra and teaching him how to evaluate somewhat intri
cate integrals, the treatment should also serve to give him insight
into the methods of algebra, and it should encourage him to become
acquainted, for example, with the early chapters of Bocher’s
It is assumed that B. 0. Peirce’s A Short Table of Integrals, Ginn
& Co., Boston, is in the hands of the student. The references to
Analytic Geometry are to Osgood and Graustein’s Plane and Solid
Analytic Geometry, Macmillan, 1921.