The condition here takes on the form :
where i and j, independently of each other, run through the values
from 1 to n, and a,-, = a, 0 equations (8) assume the form
«11*1 + ••• + <*i „*„ d* ^- x i — 0,
<*21*1 d" 4" a 2n X n d* ^-*2 =
«„1*1 H h <*„„*„ + Xx n = 0.
Hence A. must be a root of the equation
«n -f- X ctj2 .... «i„
«.¿I «22 d" A. ... «2„
«11 + X «12 •
«21 «22 d" ^
= 0.
a nn + ^
a»i a „2
6. Show that if, in the preceding question, the function u has a
maximum or a minimum in the point (0, 0, ••*, 0, x' H ), where x' n > 0,
then F contains only a simple term involving x n , namely a nn x 2 n .
7. A “ rotation ” of space of m dimensions is given by the formula
k = 1, •••, m,
*! = <** 1*1 + — +%m*.
provided the determinant of the transformation (which = ± 1) has
the value + 1.
Show that, by a succession of rotations (which can, of course, be
compounded into a single rotation) the form F of Question 6 can be
carried into a form in which only the terms in x\ are present.
8. Find the points of the circle
X 2 q. y2 -q_ s: 2 == 1, ax + by + cz = 0,
in which the function
w = Ax 2 + Bf + Cz 2 + 2 Dyz + 2 Ezx + 2 Fxy
attains its greatest and its least values. Treat first the case:
I) = E = F = 0.