x 2 y 2
+ V =
it db —
It is more convenient to retain both parameters, rather than to
eliminate, but we must be careful to remember that only one is
independent. If we choose a as that one, a = a,
and differentiate with respect to a, we have :
2x 2 2y 2 db n A . db'
a 3 b 3 da \ da
and hence
Fig. 43
( c )
X i _ y z
Between (a), (b), and (c) we can eliminate a and b and thus get a
single equation in x and y, which will be the equation of the en
velope. To do this, solve (a) and (c) for a 2 and b 2 , thus getting
a 2 — 2 x 2 , b 2 = 2 y 2 ,
and then substitute the values of a and b from these equations in (b):
± 2-n-xy — k,
This equation represents a pair of equal equilateral hyperbolas on
the axes as asymptotes.
The equations
x = ± a/V2, y = ± 6/V2,
combined with (6), give the coordinates of the points of the en
velope in which the particular ellipse corresponding to that pair of
values of a and b is tangent to it. This remark applies generally
whenever the coordinates x and y of a point of the envelope are
obtained as functions of a.
1. Find the envelope of the family of straight lines
2 ay = 2 x -f- a 2 .
Draw a number of the lines.
2. The same question for the family
x cos a + y sin a = 2.
3- The legs of a right triangle lie along two fixed lines, and the