2. Envelope of Tangents and Normals. Any curve may be re
garded as the envelope of its tangents. Thus the equation of the
tangent to the parabola
at the point (x 0 , y 0 ) is
m / N
y - Vo = — (a - x 0 )
Hence the envelope of the lines (2), where y 0 is regarded as a pa
rameter, must be the parabola (1), and the student can readily
assure himself that this is the case.
The evolute of a curve was defined as the locus of the centres of
curvature, and it was shown that the normal to the curve is tangent
to the evolute; Introduction to the Calculus, p. 266, § 4. Hence the
evolute is the envelope of the normals, and thus we have a new
method for determining the evolute.
For example, the equation of the normal to the parabola
y = x 2
at the point (x 0 , y 0 ) is
x — x 0 + 2 x 0 (y — 2/ 0 ) = 0
x + 2 x 0 y — x 0 — 2 = 0,
and we get at once as the envelope of this family of lines:
y = 3 Xq + x = 4 x 0 ,
0y - h) 3 = H* 2 -
The result agrees with that obtained, l.c., p. 264.
1. Obtain the equation of the evolute of the ellipse:
x = a cos (j>, y = b sin <f),
as the envelope of its normals.
2. The same question for the hyperbola
x = a sec <f>, y = b tan </>.
3. Obtain the evolute of the cycloid :
x = a (6 — sin 6), y = a (1 — cos 6).