For convenience, let a = + oo, the interval then becoming
g^x<cc. By the Generalized Law of the Mean, § 1, we have
fix)-Ax’) f'(X)
g < x' < x, x' < X < x.
F.(x)-F(x') F'(X)
X _l-F(x')/F(x)
1 ~f( x ')/f( x )
Now let x and x' both become infinite; but let x increase so much
more rapidly that
Then lim X — 1. How, X becomes infinite, and hence the whole
right-hand side of the first equation (3) approaches the limit which
f'(x)JF'(x) by hypothesis approaches. Thus the theorem is proved.*
If f'(x)/F\x) becomes positively infinite, or negatively infinite,
the same is true of f(x)/F(x).
If a is a finite point, the same reasoning still holds, with obvious
modifications in details. Or, this case can be referred directly to
the above by means of such a substitution as
V = VO - a ),
x = a + 1/y.
This theorem has the same advantage as that of § 1, namely, that,
if we do not get a result after the first pair of differentiations, we
may differentiate again and again. If, after k repetitions, we do
get a result, then the original ratio approaches this same limit.
• QC™
Example 1. lim
X=oo S X
If n fg 0, the limit is obviously 0, since the numerator remains
finite and the denominator becomes infinite. If, however, n > 0, we
see that the above ratio approaches 0 provided n ^ 1. If n > 1, a
finite number of repetitions will lead to a ratio whose limit is 0, and
thus the given ratio approaches 0 for any fixed value of n.
Example 2. lim - , 0 < a, 0 < ¡8.
If a — 1, we have
lim = li m JL — o.
x=oo X^ ac=co j3x^
* The theorem is due to Cauchy, who gave a proof under certain restrictions.
The complete prt>of, given above, is due to the Austrian mathematician Stolz. '