10. Stokes’s Theorem. Let P, Q, and R be three functions of
(x, y, z) which, together with their first partial derivatives, are con
tinuous throughout a region V of space, and let N be a surface lying
in V and bounded by the curve C. Let a, /3, y be the direction
angles of the normal to S, chosen in a suitable sense. Then Stokes’s
Theorem asserts the truth of the equation:
where the line integral is extended over C in a sense dependent on
the choice of sense for the normal to S.
The theorem is not true in general for unilateral surfaces (cf. infra),
but it holds for all tico-sided surfaces. We begin by proving it for
a restricted case, and are able then with ease to pass to the general
A Restricted Case. Let S be given by the equation
(1) Z = w(x,y),
where w, together with its first derivatives, is continuous within
and on the boundary of a region S' of the (x, y)-plane, and where
S lies within the region V It is furthermore assumed that S' is
the kind of region considered in § 4, to which Green’s Theorem is
Consider the integral
(2) I Pdx + Q dy H- Rdz,
taken in that sense along C which corresponds to the positive sense
of description of the boundary T of S'. This integral can be ex
pressed by a line integral over T as follows :
(3) (P + R cdj) dx + ( Q + R <i> 2 ) dy.
For, the value of dz anywhere on S is
dz = wxdx + <x) 2 dy,