When At approaches 0, the integral approaches the integral of the
limiting function, as will be shown under the proof of Leibniz’s
Rule. Thus
We can, however, assemble all our physical hypotheses into the
single one :
Physical Hypothesis. If in the case of a flow of heat the temper
ature is a continuous function of x, y, z, t, and if this is true of du/dt,
too, then the rate at which the heat is accumulating in a given region, V,
is given by the formula :
where the specific heat, C, is either a constant or a contimious function
of x, y, z, t.
Prom (11) equations (9) and (10) follow at once.
14. The Heat Equation. Consider an arbitrary flow of heat, in
which the temperature, together with the partial derivatives * of
the first two orders, is continuous in x, y, z, t. Let V be an arbi
trary sub-region contained in the region of flow. Then the rate at
which the heat in V is increasing is given in two forms, namely, by
equation (8) of § 12 and by (11) of § 13. Hence
where n refers to the inner normal of S. For ordinary substances
and moderate variations in the temperature, K may be assumed
By Green’s Theorem, § 9, we have:
* It is not necessary to extend this requirement to all these derivatives ; but
the loss in generality is unimportant.