a given slope (A = 2, say) are given by the equation
V - 2/o = 2 (® - ®o)> or V = + (2/ 0 - 2ab).
Thus the two arbitrary constants cc 0 and y 0 are together equivalent to
but a single arbitrary constant,
b = y 0 — 2x 0 .
Example. Consider the differential equation
dll _ „
r = Va? 2 + y 2 .
Let it be required to find approximately where the axis of x is
cut by the solution which cuts the axis of y one unit above the
The student should make an accurate drawing on squared paper,
taking 10 cm. as the unit of length and making x k+l — x k — y 1 ^
(i.e. 1 cm. long).
Simultaneous Differential Equations. A simultaneous system of
the form
= y, z),
dz . , \
— = $(®, y, z)
can be treated in a similar manner. Let V be a region of space, at
every point (x, y, z) of which the functions F and d> are continuous.
Draw through (a*, y, z) a line whose direction components are 1,
F(x, y, z), i>(a, y, z), and lay off a short vector along this line. A
(3) y = /(&), z = 4>(x) t
which, at each of its points, is tangent to the vector pertaining to
that point, will represent a solution of the given system (2).
Starting at any point (x 0 , y 0 , z 0 ) of V, we can construct a broken
line as in the earlier case, laying off first a short distance on the
vector at (aj 0 , y 0 , %o)- From the end, (x 1} y 1} z^, of this line lay off
a short distance on the vector pertaining to (aq, y u ^j) ; and con
tinue in this way. The broken line thus formed will approach a
limiting curve, (3), which represents a solution of (2), provided
F(x, y, z) and <I>(a;, y, z) admit first partial derivatives with respect
to y and z, which are continuous throughout V.
The extension to the case of a simultaneous system of n equations
in n dependent variables :