Contents: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

J. A. Gonçalves, A. M. Oliveira 
Science Faculty — University of Porto, Portugal, 
Commission III, WG III/2 
KEY WORDS: Mapping, DEM/DTM, Orientation, Matching 
ASTER acquires along track stereoscopic imagery, with a spatial resolution of 15 meters. Automatic generation of Digital Elevation 
Models (DEMs) from these images is a well established process, implemented in many commercial software packages. It can 
provide relief information for areas with poor coverage of topographic mapping. 
This paper presents a study of the accuracy achieved in DEMs extracted from ASTER, for an area in Portugal, using the PCI 
OrthoEngine software. Images were orientated with ground control points (GCP) obtained from topographic maps. Experiments 
were carried out in reducing the number of GCPs. A number of 5 or 6 GCPs was always required to orient the images, in order to 
keep the accuracy achieved with larger numbers of points. It was possible to conclude that more use could have been done of the 
approximate orientation provided in the image header. A grid of points derived from the sensor position and attitude, estimated by 
onboard equipment, is given in the image header. The precision of these data was assessed as being better than 100 meters. A 
significant reduction in GCP requirements would be possible if more use of this information would be done. 
The vertical accuracy of the extracted DEMs, assessed with a 8 m DEM grid, produced by a local mapping agency, was of 9 meters 
in areas of mountains with low vegetation. The percentage of coverage of the DEM is very large, however the automatic filling of 
gaps, in areas where the stereo-matching failed, degraded the DEM detail and accuracy. A manual edition of gaps, according to user 
perception of relief forms is more appropriate when deriving DEMs for production and update of topographic map products. 
1.1 DEMs from optical satellite data 
Digital elevation models are important data sources in 
topographic mapping production, such as contour generation 
and image ortho-rectification. Terrain analysis in a GIS also 
requires those types of data, which in general are available from 
mapping agencies in developed countries. However, large parts 
of the Earth are not properly mapped in medium scales, such as 
Satellites can provide DEMs for the map production and other 
applications through different means. Among the optical 
sensors, across-track stereoscopy has been widely used, for 
example in the SPOT programme, with SPOT 1 to 4. The two 
images of a stereopair are acquired pointing the sensor to the 
same area, with different incidence angles, in different orbits. 
Time separation between images can range from a few days to 
months. Cloud coverage makes the acquisition of stereopairs 
difficult. Different sun illumination conditions, as well as 
different vegetation growth, produce significant image 
differences, complicating the automatic stereo matching. 
Along-tack stereoscopic image acquisition requires two sensors 
with different inclinations, observing at the same time. SPOT-5, 
the most recent satellite of the SPOT programme carries, among 
other sensors, a system of this type, the High Resolution Stereo 
(HRS) system (Spotimage, 2002). That is also the case of 
ASTER which is equipped with two telescopes, both sensible in 
the range of 0.78-0.86 um, one pointing in the nadir direction 
and the other pointing backwards, with an offset angle of 26 
degrees. This leads to a base-height ratio of 0.6 (ERSDAC, 
2001), which is appropriate for automated extraction techniques 
in various terrain conditions (Hirano et al.,, 2003). Time 
separation is of only 60 seconds. Illumination conditions are 
very similar allowing for an efficient automatic matching. The 
two bands are identified as 3N (nadiral) and 3B (backwards). 
Band 3N is associated with two others. The three bands (1, 2 
and 3N) are acquired by Aster VNIR imaging system 
(ERSDAC, 2001) and have an image size of 4100 by 4200 
pixels. Band 3B has 5000 by 5400 pixels. 
1.2 Orientation of linear array images 
The extraction of DEMs in a well defined cartographic 
reference system requires that exterior orientation is well 
known. Ground control points are required in order to 
determine a set of parameters of a sensor model that express the 
mathematical relation between ground and image coordinates. 
Sensor models for optical sensors, such as SPOT or ASTER, 
comprise position and attitude parameters. Usually some orbital 
parameters are considered, in order to describe the sensor 
position, and 3 absolute attitude parameters (roll, pitch, yaw) at 
the initial image instant. Together with the orbital perturbation 
theory and attitude variations measured on board, position and 
attitude can be calculated for any image line. The sensor model 
is based on the colinearity equations. Different variations are 
described by many authors. See for example Kratky (1987), 
Gugan and Dowman (1988), Westin, (1990) or Toutin (1994). 
Commercial software packages for mapping from satellite 
images implement this type of physical sensor models. 
Satellites carry navigation equipment that can estimate the 
exterior orientation parameters. The image geo-location of 
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