Full text: Briefwechsel zwischen Leibniz, Jacob Bernoulli, Johann Bernoulli und Nicolaus Bernoulli (1. Abtheilung, Band 3)

v'V -a 
hinc ad inveniendas potestates intermedias, seu radices (quarum ex 
ponentes sunt intermedii inter exponentes integros) numeri termino 
rum figurati sunt interpolandi, juxta doctrinam Wallisii prop. 172 seqq 
/ a l) l.Sbb 1.3.5b 3 4 
/nseu^ a __ b — 1 + 2a + 2.4aa + 2.4.6a 3+* 
et yJC. n seu ^ C. 4 
_h_ 1.4bb 1.4.7 b 3 
3a 3 . (j a a 3.6.9a 3 
etc. et y/'n 3 seu n v /*3 (cujus postestatis ex- 4 4 
14N , 3b 3.5bb 3.5.7 b s 
ponens est 4) = 1 + a ~ + ^i + 2X6^ 4 
II. Invenire rationem y ad x applicatae ad abscis 
sam in curvatura laminae, cujus aequatio differen- 
xx dx 
tialis est d y = 
Convertantur potestates quantitatis — in series (ut fac-

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