Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 1)

Passing to the third degree, we may consider in particular the derivatives 
□ UVW = 23* 31* 12* UVW =G a (U, V, W): 
writing for shortness 
A = ^ s 2a-r£ r TJ — 77. r 
— r -y , Ox Oy U — U , 
we have the general term 
C a (U, V, W) = Z {{-) r+g+t A r A s A t U>*+ t -*V'«+r- t ‘W’* + *-r}, 
where r, s, t extend from 0 to a. By changing the suffixes r, s the following more 
convenient formula 
G a (U, V, TP) = SS{(-)^^pF-TT^-p-^[(-)^ p _^ (r+i _ a 4 t ]}, 
where t extends from 0 to 2a: p, cr, and 3a — p — a must be positive and not greater 
than 2a. 
In particular, according as a is odd or even, 
G a (U, U, U) = 0, 
C a (U, U, U) = QXX{(-y^U^U^-^X[(-yA p . t A <r+t . a A t ]}, 
omitting therein those values of p, a for which p > cr or a > 3a — p - a, and dividing by 
two the terms in which p = a or cr = 3a — p — cr, and by six the term for which 
p = cr — 3a — p — cr, = a. 
In particular, for functions of the fourth or eighth orders we have the constant 
ace — ad 2 — b*e — c 3 + 2bed,; 
aei — 4ibd — 4afh 4- Sag 2 + 3tc 2 + 12beh — 8chd — Sbgf— 22ceg + 24c/ 2 + 24d 2 g — 36def+ 15e 3 ; 
the first of which is a simple determinant. Thus we have been led to the functions 
ae — 4bd + 3c 2 and ace — ad 2 — eb 2 — c 3 + 2bcd, which occur in my “ Note sur quelques 
formules &c.” (Grelle, vol. xxix. [1845] [15]), and in the forms which M. Eisenstein has 
given for the solutions of equations of the first four degrees. 
Let U be a function of the order 4a: the derivative G may be expressed by 
means of the derivatives B. 
For, consider the function 
B U [U, B n (V. V)]-, 
paying attention to the signification of B, this may be written 
id ia 23 2a UVW,

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