Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 1)

We have besides, by projecting on the line AO', the equation 
cos 3 = a!a + ¡3'b + y'c (40), 
or the analogous one 
cos 8 = a'a 4- /3'b + 7'c (41). 
From either of which we deduce 
cos 8 = aa' + bb' + cc' + A (be' + b'c) 4- p (ca' + c'a) + v (ah' + a'b). (42), 
k cos 8 = mu' + i)/3/3' + C77 4- f (/3y' + /3'7) + g (70' + 7V) + ft (a/3 + a'/3) (43) ; 
which may otherwise be written 
cosS= W(t, H, q) (44), 
k cos S = IF (t, t, q) (45); 
or again, observing the equations which connect the quantities t, t, 
o. W (t, t', q) 
° 0S 3{W(t, t, q) W(t, q)j (46)> 
C0S 8 = 7fF (t, t, 5) W (t', t', q)) (47) - 
forms which, though more complicated, have certain advantages; for instance, we derive 
immediately from them the new equations 
Bln8 VIW(t, t, q)W{H, t, q)) (48) > 
. ^{kW(TT\ tt', q)} 
SinS 4{W(t, t, i)F(r', t', q)) <49) - 
written more simply thus 
sin 3 = W (tt', tt', q) (50), 
\ ! k sin 8 = F{ W( tt', tt', q)} (51); 
to these we may join 
£ W (t, t', q) 
V{TF (tt',tf, q)} 
VA-cotS-- (53). 
y{TF(tt, tt', q)} 
Section 3. On Spherical Coordinates. 
Consider the points X, Y, Z, on the surface of a sphere, as the intersections oi 
the three axes of the preceding section, with a sphere having its centre in the origin. 
It is evident that X, p, v are the cosines of the sides of the spherical triangle XIZ, 
c. 28

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