Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 1)

from which the law is easily seen to be of the form 
(¿)" Pm = s > K ’.>O - U^ +1+e .^ +l+e 
(where the extreme values of 6 are 0 and (r — 1) respectively) and K r d is determined by 
K r+ i Ml = (r — 1 — \6) li r g +1 + (i — 3v + 2 + 20) K r ,e • 
This equation is satisfied by 
v(r-) E -6)T(2r-\-e)T(i-r + e+i) 
r ' d ~ r^ r(0 + 1) r(2r — 1 — 20) r(t — r +1) ; 
for in the first place this gives 
r(r-f-g)T(2r-2-g)r(t-r + g + 2) 
t r,o+1 r ^ r ^ + 2 ) r (2r — 3 — 26) r (i — r +1) 
_T (r-%- 0) V (2r - 1 - 0)T (i - r + 0 + 2) 
T(£) T(0 + 2)Y(2r-2-20)Y (i-r + l) ’ 
and hence the second side of the equation reduces itself to 
T(r - \ - 0) Y(2r -l-0)Y(i-r+6 + l) 
Y(I) r(0 + 2) r(2r — 1 — 20) Y(i-r+l) 
[2(r-l-6) (i- r + 0+l) + (0 + l)(i-3r + 2-20)}, 
where the quantity within brackets reduces itself to (t - r) (2r -1-6), so that the above 
value reduces itself to K r+i e+1 , which verifies the equation in question. Also by com 
paring the first few terms, it is immediately seen that the above is the correct value 
of K r g, so that 
(~) r (d\ r TT _ 0 Y(r-\-0)Y(2r-l-6)Y(i-r + 0+l) 
i \dx) °* 1 e Y($)Y(0 + l)Y(2r-l-0)Y(i-r + l) 
(\ - nY-'-o U^ +1+e ^ r+e+1 ...(1), 
0 extending as before from 0 to (r — 1). In particular if i be integer and r = i +1, 
(—) i+1 / d y +i 
[\/{x -I- X) — sj(x + fl)} 21 ■■ 
r(» + j) 
(A - /a) 2 
{(x + X)(x + /A)} i+i 
(since the factor F (i — r + 0 + 1) -r Y (i — r -f 1) vanishes except for 0 = 0 on account of 
r (i — r +1) = oo ). Thus also, if r be greater than (i + 1), = i + 1 + s suppose, then 
{(x + X) (x + /¿)} i+i 
= Y(i + 8+l-0)Y(2i + 2s + l- 0)Y(0-s) 
9 Y(i+±)Y (0+1) Y(2i +2s+1-20) Y'(-s) [ ^ u +».-*+« 

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