Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 1)

Substituting for the quantities involved in this expression, and putting, for simplicity 
2i + 2 — n = 2y, we have, without any further reduction, except that of arranging the 
factors of the different terms, and cancelling those which appear in the numerator 
and denominator of the same term, 
( -l)*fc x _ ( - l) g ~ x (1 -7) (2-7) ... (x-7) 
1.2 s 2 3S+1 .1.2...3.1.2... (s — x). 1.2 ... x 
multiplied by the series 
(« + S + 1) ... {% + S + X — 1) into 
. 7 x y (t±!) x ( x ~ !) 
1 x — 7 1.2 (x — 7) (x — 1 — 7) 
+ ... 
(x + 1) terms 
i + s) ... (i + 8 + x — 2) . 
Y 7 X (x- 1) 7(7+1) X (x-1) (x -2) 
+ 1 x — 7 1.2 (x — 7) (x — 1 — 7) 
/ i\r(^ + s —r+ 1) ... (1 + s + x-r- 1) . 
+ (-i) r - 7Ï H1 S into 
(l-7)(2-7) ... r-7) 
x terms 
x(x— 1) ... (x — r + 1) + y 
7 x(x-l)...(x -?•) 
+ ...(x + r — 1) terms 
to r = X. 
Now it may be shown that 
(1 -7) ( 2 -7) ••• (r~7) 
ix (x — 1) ... (x-r+lH^- 1 ^" ( X "~ r ) + &c. ...(x + 1 -r) termsl 
(x — 1) ... (r 4-1). x (x — 1) ... (x - r + 1) 
(1 -7) (2-7) ... (x-7) 
which reduces the expression for k x to the form 
( - l) 8+x 
(~l) s fc x _ 
1.2...S 2 2s+1 . 1.2 ... s . 1.2 ... (s — x) 
(f+s+l) ... (¿ + S + X —1) 
-j(i+s)... (¿ + s + x-2) 
+ X( l~2 1) (i + s-l)- (i + s + x- 3) 
+ &c. (x + 1) terms; 
from which it may be shown, that except for x = 0, k x = 0. 
The value x = 0, observing that the expression 
(i + s + 1) (i + s + 2)... (i + s — 1) 
represents , gives

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