Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 1)

Suppose that u and v continue to represent arbitrary functions of x, y, z,... but that the 
remaining functions w, ... are such as to satisfy W — 0, ... (so that w,... may be 
considered as the constants introduced by obtaining all the integrals but one of the 
system of differential equations in x, y, z, ...), we have 
du dv 
,d.MX dMY dMZ 
V dx dy dz 
Also the only one of the transformed equations which remains to be integrated is 
du : dv = U : V, or Vdu — Udv = 0, 
(in which it is supposed that U and V are expressed by means of the other integrals in 
terms of u and v). 
Suppose M can be so determined that 
dMX dMY dMZ 
dx dy dz ’ 
(M is what Jacobi terms the multiplier of the proposed system of differential equations): 
du + dv 
or MV is the multiplier of Vdu — Udv = 0, so that 
j MV (Vdu — Udv) = const. 
Hence the theorem:—“ Given a multiplier of the system of equations 
dx : dy : dz, ... = X : Y : Z ... 
(the meaning of the term being defined as above), then if all the integrals but one of 
this system are known, the remaining integral depends upon a quadrature.” 
Jacobi proceeds to discuss a variety of different systems of equations in which it 
is possible to determine the multiplier M. Among the most important of these may 
be considered the system corresponding to the general problem of Dynamics, which 
may be discussed under three different forms. 
§ 4. Lagrange’s first form 1 . 
Let the whole series of coordinates, each of them multiplied by the square root 
of the corresponding mass, be represented by x, y, ... and in the same way the whole 
series of forces, each of them multiplied by the square root of the corresponding mass, 
by P, Q, ... ; then the equations of motion are 
drx _ Y d?y __ y 
dt* ’ dt>~ 
1 I have slightly modified the form so as to avoid the introduction of the masses, and to allow x (for 
instance) to stand for any one of the coordinates of any of the points, instead of standing for a coordinate 
parallel to a particular axis.

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