and each of these values is an algebraical function of sn u, (viz. either a rational
function or a rational function multiplied by cnitdnw). Also, in the transformation of
the № th order,
so that it is clear that the above values of z may be taken for the denominator and
numerator respectively of sn / u; i.e. these quantities each of them satisfy the equa
tion (7).
By assuming
n (n — 1) x 2 z + (n — 1) (ax — 2a?) ^ + (1 — ax 2 + ¿c 4 ) — 2 n (a 2 — 4) ^ = 0
which is therefore satisfied by assuming for £ either the numerator or the denominator
of \/A,sn t u (the transformation of the n th order), which is the form in which the
property is given by Jacobi.
In the case where n is odd, the denominator is of the form
B 0 + B ja? ... + 5 i(n _ 1( x n ~',
and then the numerator is
x (B iin _ 1) ... + Bx n ~ z + Brfc n ~ l ),
and all the remaining coefficients may be determined from these, the modular equation
being supposed known. But the principal use of the formula is for the multiplication
of elliptic functions, which it is well known corresponds to the case where n is a
square number. Writing n = v 2 , when v is odd, the denominator is
1 + B 2 x* ... + B±( v 2_ 3) x v2 3 + vx v ' 1 1
(the ± sign according as v=(4>p +1) or (4p — 1)); and the numerator is obtained from
this by multiplying by x and reversing the order of the coefficients. When v is even
the denominator is
1 + B-pf ... ± B 2 x v *- i ± x v<l ,
(+ or —, according as v = 4>p or v = 4>p + 2), so that there are only half as many co
efficients to be determined; but then the numerator must be separately investigated.