Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 1)

consider a radius vector on the conical surface such that the cosines of its incli 
nations to the axes are 
£. §> {e = V(i* + <?+®')l > 
P, Q, R and © being functions of the parameter co, and of another variable </>, which 
determines the position of the radius vector upon the conical surface. Also let p be 
the length of the portion of the radius vector which lies within the ellipsoid; then 
representing by dS the spherical angle corresponding to the variations of co and <£, the 
attraction in the direction of the axis of x is given by the formula 
Also by a known formula 
dS= A-AP krr 
dQ dR dR dQ 
i(f) dco d(f> do) 
A = 
+ Q 
p © 
and it is easy to obtain 
dR dP dR dP 
d<f> dco da> d(p 
2 (a© 2 
+ R 
dPdQ_dP dQ\) 
d<f> dco 8co d(f) 
IP 2 + mQ 2 + nR 2 
The quantities P, Q, R have now to be expressed as functions of co, 0, so that 
their values substituted for x, y, z, may satisfy identically the equation of the cone. 
This may be done by assuming 
Q = mb (or + n8) (la + ^ cos </>] — nG s i n </>> 
R = nc (co 2 + m8) (la + cos <f^J 4 mb sin 0, 
p = (co 2 + m8) (a) 2 + n8) — m~b 2 (co 2 + n8) — w 2 c 2 (ro 2 + m8), 
JJ- = m-b 2 (co 2 + n8) + n 2 c 2 (or + m8), 
P 2 = (ay + 18) (ro 2 + m8) (co 2 + n8) 
l 2 a 2 m 2 b 2 
or + 18 co 2 -f m8 
n 2 c 2 
co 2 -I- n8 
a system of values which, in point of fact, depend upon the following geometrical con 
siderations : by treating x as a constant in the equation of the cone, that is, in effect 
by considering the sections of the cone by planes parallel to that of yz, the equation 
of the cone becomes that of an ellipse; transforming first to a set of axes through 
the centre and then to a set of conjugate axes, one of which passes through the 
point where the plane of the ellipse is intersected by the axis of x, then the equation 
P 2 vy 2 . . . 7/ z 
takes the form j+ a = 1) and is satisfied by £ = A cos <p, r/ = B sin </>, and - , - being 
of course linear functions of these values, the preceding expressions may be obtained. 

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