Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 1)

and it is obvious that for this value of co we have A = 8. The expression for 
the attraction is easily reduced to a known form by writing y = this gives 
At (k + lyf (k + my) 1 (k + nyf wda> 
A — 4>irla 
Pa 3 (k + my) (k + nyf + m 3 b 3 (k + nyf (k + lyf + n 3 c 2 (k + lyf (k + myf' 
> 3 = k 
Pa 3 
m‘ 2 b~ 
k + ly k + my k + ny) ’ 
^ _ _ k [Pa 3 (k + myf (k + nyf + m 3 b- (k + nyf (k + lyf + n 3 c 3 (k + lyf (k + myf ] 
2 (k + lyf (k + myf (k + nyf 
and thus 
A — ‘¿'irkrla 
{k + lyf (k + my) 2 (k + nyf 
where for the entire ellipsoid the integral is to be taken from y — ^ to y = oo. A 
k + lP 
better known form is readily obtained by writing x 2 = > i n which case the limits 
for the entire ellipsoid are x = 0, x — 1. 
It may be as well to indicate the first step of the reduction of the integral I, 
viz. the method of resolving the denominator into two factors. We have identically, 
(A — 8) (IP 2 + mQ 2 + nB?) = (o 2 (P 2 + Q 3 + R 3 ) + A (IP 3 + mQ 3 + nR 2 ) — (laP +- mbQ + ncRf, 
and the second side of this equation is resolvable into two factors independently of 
the particular values of P, Q, R. Representing this second side for a moment in the 
notation of a general quadratic function, or under the form 
AP 3 + BQ 3 + CR 3 + 2 FQR + 2 GRP + 2 HPQ, 
we have the required solution, 
IP 3 + mQ 3 + nR 3 = 
2 [AP + {H+V(- €)}«+{(? + v(- 33)} -K] [AP +{H- V(- ®)) Q + {<? - V(- 33)) fi]; 
where, as usual, 33 = GA — G 3 , = AB — H 3 , and the roots must be so taken that 
V(- 33) V(- «) = iF (iF = m-- AF)). 
I have purposely restricted myself so far to the problem considered by Legendre: 
the general transformation, of which the preceding is a particular case, and also a 
simpler mode of effecting the integration, are given in the next part of this paper.

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