Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 1)

but to justify this, it must be shown first that these equations reduce themselves to 
two independent equations; and next that system is really one of the fourth order. 
We may remark in the first place, that if 
u, = arf + 4 b^i] + Qcrfrf + 4>d£rf + erf, 
is a perfect square, the coefficients will be proportional to those of • 0) 
Thus the conditions requisite in order that u may be a perfect square, are given by 
the system 
2 (ac — b 2 ) : {ad — be) : ae + 2bd — 3c 2 : be — cd : 2 (ce — d 2 ) 
= a : b : 3c : d : e, 
or these equations are equivalent to two independent equations only (this may be 
easily verified a posteriori); and by writing 3 J in the form 
e {ac — b 2 ) — 2d {ad — bc) + c {ae + 2bd — 3c 2 ) — 2b {be — cd) + a{ce — d 2 ), 
the remaining equations of the complete system (3) are immediately deduced; thus the 
latter system contains only two independent equations. (The preceding reasoning shows 
that the system (3) expresses the conditions in order that the equations 
arf + 3b£ 2 7] + 3c%rf + drf = 0, b£ 3 + 3c£ 2 ?7 + 3d£rf + erf = 0, 
may have a pair of unequal roots in common: we have already seen that the equa 
tions / = 0, J = 0 represent the conditions in order that these two equations may have 
a pair of equal roots in common.) Finally, to verify a posteriori the fact of the 
system (3) being one only of the fourth order, i^ae may, as Mr Salmon has done in 
the memoir above referred to, represent the system by the two equations 
that is, by 
a {ce — d?) — e {ac — b 2 ) = 0, e {ad — be) — 2b {ce — d 2 ) = 0, 
ad 2 — eb 2 = 0, 2bd 2 — 3bce + ade = 0. 
These equations contain the extraneous system (a = 0, b = 0) and the extraneous 
systems {b = 0, d = 0) and (d — 0, e = 0), each of which last, as Mr Salmon has remarked 
from geometrical considerations, counts double, or the system is one of the 4 th order only. 
More generally whatever be the order of u, if u contain a square factor, this square factor may easily 
, , . dhi cP u 
be shown to occur in 
at; 1 ar) 

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