Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 1)

The substitution of these values gives after all reductions the result 
f 2 g 2 h 2 w« + 4 (pf- qg)fgh 2 zw 5 
+ 4 (r 2 h 2 — Qpqgf) h 2 z 2 w* + 2 (cfg 2 + 2prfh) flixhv 4 + 2 (pf 2 + 2qrgh) ghy 2 w 4 
— 16 {pf — qg) z 3 w 3 — 4 (q 2 g 2 — 4ipf 2 — Qpqfg) qhx 2 zw 3 — 4 (pf 2 — 4<q 2 g 2 — 6pqfg)phy 2 zw 3 
+ 16p 2 q 2 h 2 z 4 w 2 - 8 (pf+ 4 qg) q 2 phx 2 z 2 w 2 — 8 (qg + 4pf)pq 2 hy 2 z 2 w 2 
+ (q 2 g 2 + 8prfK) q 2 x i w 2 + (pf 2 + 8 qrgh) p 2 y 4 w 2 + 2 (10r 2 /i 2 — pqfg) pqx 2 y 2 w 2 
— lQp 2 q 3 hx 2 z 3 w 4-1 6p s q 2 hy 2 z s w 
+ 4 (4p/+ 5qg) pcfoftzw — 4 (4 qg + 5pf) p 3 qy i zw — 4 (pf— qg) p 2 cfx 2 y 2 zw 
+ 4p 2 q*x i z 2 + 4p A q 2 y 4 z 2 + 8p 3 q 3 x 2 y 2 z 2 + 4<pq 4 rx s + 4>p 4 qry 3 + 12p 2 q 3 rx i y 2 + 12p 3 q 2 rx 2 y A = 0 ; 
which is therefore the equation of the envelope for this case. This equation may be 
presented under the form 
+ 4pq (qx 2 -f py 2 ) 2 (qrx 2 + rpy 2 + pqz 2 ) = 0, 
and there are probably other forms which I am not yet acquainted with. 
C. The reciprocals of the two surfaces made use of in determining the Intersect- 
Developable, although in reality a system of the same nature with the surfaces of 
which they are reciprocals, are represented by equations of a somewhat different form. 
There is no real loss of generality in replacing the two surfaces by the reciprocals of 
the cones x 2 — 2yz, y 2 = 2zw; or we may take the two conics 
(x 2 — 2yz = 0, w — 0) and (y 2 — Zzw — 0,x = 0), 
for the surfaces of which the envelope has to be found, these conics being, it is 
evident, the sections by the planes w = 0 and x = 0 respectively of the cones the 
Intersect-Developable of which was before determined. The process of determining the 
envelope is however essentially different: supposing the plane %x + r/y + £z -f cow = 0 to be 
the equation of a tangent plane to the two conics (that is, of a plane passing through 
a tangent of each of the conics) then the condition of touching the first conic gives 
If 2 — 2rj£=0, and that of touching the second conic gives f — 2£Vi> = 0. We have therefore 
to find the envelope (in the ordinary sense of the word) of the plane f-x + yy -1- "Qz + cow = 0, 
in which the coefficients If, y, f, co are variable quantities subject to the conditions 
If 2 -2^= 0, ?7 2 -2£« = 0. 
The result which is obtained without difficulty by the method of indeterminate 
multipliers, [or more easily by writing If : y : £ : w = 26 3 : 26 2 : 6 4 : 2] is 
8 y 4 z — S2y 2 z 2 w + 32 z 3 w 2 — 27x A w + 27 x 2 yzv) — 4 x 2 y 3 = 0, 
which may also be written under the form 
8^ (y 2 — 2zw) 2 — x 2 {4y s + 9 (3&' 2 — 8yz) w } = 0. 
[Another form, containing the factor w, is 4 (y 2 + 2ziu) 3 — (2y 3 + 27x 2 w — SQyzw) 2 = ().]

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