[From the Cambridge and Dublin Mathematical Journal, vol. v. (1850), pp. 148—152.]
The following theorem, in a slightly different and somewhat less general form, is
demonstrated in Mr Hearn’s “Researches on Curves of the Second Order, &c.”, Loud. 1846:
“ The locus of the pole of a line, u + v + w = 0, with respect to the conics passing
through the angles of the triangle (u = 0, v = 0, w = 0), and touching a fixed line
an. + ¡3v + 7w — 0, is the curve of the fourth order,
V [au (v + w — w)} + \/ {/3v (w + u — v)} + V [yw (u + v — w)} = 0 ; ”
the difference in fact being, that with Mr Hearn the indeterminate line u + v + w = 0
is replaced by the line oo, so that the poles in question become the centres of the conics.
Previous to discussing the curve of the fourth order, it will be convenient to
notice a property of curves of the fourth order with three double points. Such curves
contain eleven arbitrary constants: or if we consider the double points as given, then
five arbitrary constants. From each double point may be drawn two tangents to the
curve; any five of the points of contact of these tangents determine the curve, and
consequently determine the sixth point of contact. The nature of this relation will be
subsequently explained; at present it may be remarked that it is such that, if three
of the points of contact (each one of such points of contact corresponding to a
different double point) lie in a straight line, the remaining three points of contact also
lie in a straight line. A curve of the fourth order having three given double points
and besides such that the points of contact of the tangents from the double points
lie three and three in two straight lines, contains therefore four arbitrary constants.
Now it is easily seen that the curve in question has three double points, viz. the
points given by the equations
(u = 0, v — w = 0), (v= 0, w — u = 0), (w = 0, u — v = 0),
points which may be geometrically defined as the projections from the angles of the
triangle (u = 0, v = 0, w = 0) upon the opposite sides, of the point [u = v = w) which is
the harmonic with respect to the triangle of the given line u + v + w = 0. Moreover,